

With 4 years of experience, I have acquired proficient skills in utilising Unity. I employed this software extensively during my A-levels and throughout my 3-year tenure at university. Consequently, I possess comprehensive knowledge of the program and the coding methods employed within it.


Throughout my extensive usage of Unity, I have concurrently developed my proficiency in the coding language C#. Over a span of 4 years, I have leveraged C# starting from my final year in sixth form and continuing through my 3-year university program.

Unreal Engine

I possess one year of experience utilizing Unreal Engine, which I gained during my final year at university. I am enthusiastic about furthering my skills and knowledge, displaying a strong commitment to continuous learning and improvement. 


Throughout my engagement with Unreal Engine, I had the opportunity to delve into coding using C++. I possess a strong desire to expand my knowledge of the language and effectively leverage my prior coding skills to enhance my proficiency in C++.

Git Products

I possess extensive experience utilizing various Git products such as Github, Gitkraken, and Fork. Moreover, I am familiar with Github's Large File Storage system. In general, I am well-versed in version control software and branching methodologies. 

Agile Methodologies

I have experience applying Agile methodologies, particularly SCRUM, in development projects. I have fulfilled the roles of both SCRUM Master and team member, finding the overall process enjoyable and rewarding. 

Adobe Photoshop

Over the years, I have amassed significant expertise in utilizing Photoshop. My journey with Photoshop commenced during secondary school, having previously worked with Gimp. From year 7 through my university education, I consistently employed Photoshop as my primary tool for image editing and compilation. My affinity for the software and other image editors is rooted in the enjoyment I derive from their usage. 

Microsoft Excel

I possess experience in utilizing Excel, employing the program to generate burndown charts during my studies and extensively utilizing it during my work experience placement at Elevate East London LLP. 

Microsoft Word

Throughout numerous years, I have employed Word and other word processors extensively. Microsoft Word, in particular, has served as my primary tool for composing a significant portion of my university essays, as well as facilitating note-taking and formatting tasks. 

Microsoft Powerpoint

I possess extensive expertise in utilizing PowerPoint as a presentation software. I have leveraged its features to create impactful presentations and effectively compile information. As a versatile and user-friendly tool, PowerPoint has been a valuable resource that I have enjoyed utilizing for several years.