Extra-Curricular Activities

Girls Brigade

2006-2020, Wood Lane Baptist Church

I had actively participated in Girls Brigade since the age of four, dedicating many years to this Christian organization. I assumed the role of a young leader during the weekly meetings, engaging with children through games and activities, and contributing to the planning process. My leadership role included teaching children members and collaborating with other leaders to develop games, plan activities, and provide support to children. 


2013-2020, Robert Clack School

During my tenure at Robert Clack, I actively participated in the choir, contributing my vocal talents until the unfortunate impact of the pandemic. As a member of the choir, I collaborated with fellow singers, harmonizing and performing as a unified ensemble in final year shows. Our practice sessions involved regularly learning and rehearsing new songs in preparation for various performances. These engagements encompassed entertaining audiences at Primary Schools, retirement homes, and hospitals. 


2013-2020, Robert Clack School

During my tenure at Robert Clack School, I actively contributed to the band as a trumpet player within the brass section. As a member of the band, I engaged in weekly rehearsals, diligently reading sheet music and mastering each song that we performed during the final year shows. My role involved dedicated practice sessions aimed at achieving musical excellence and delivering impactful performances. 

IT Club

2014-2018, Robert Clack School

Throughout my engagement in the IT club, there was considerable flexibility in the activities pursued by the students. Each week presented opportunities to either work with Photoshop or engage in coding projects. During my tenure in the club, my primary focus was on coding, primarily utilizing Scratch as my language of choice until I progressively acquired proficiency in Python. Consequently, I alternated between the two languages for programming tasks during my active participation in the club.