National Fraternity

Philip Spencer - Founder of Chi Psi


Chi Psi was founded on May 20th, 1841 when its 10 founders decided they wanted to form a fraternity not only based on academic principles but on moral and social principles as well. Chi Psi has expanded from its original 10 founders to currently having 1,800 members across 34 universities. The founders sought to create bonds between each other that would help them grow and become better men. Chi Psi has faced countless hardships over its 182-year life, but through the years the connection between brothers has only grown. 

The 7 Core Values

Charity ~ Courage ~ Fidelity ~ Good Judgement ~ Self-Control ~ Self-Sacrifice ~ Sense of Fair Play

Today, Chi Psi keeps the founders’ ideals and helps teach its members the true meaning of gentlemanship using these principles. Chi Psi places a strong focus on leadership development, academic excellence, and community service, fostering values that can help us grow into responsible and engaged individuals.  Additionally, philanthropy and alumni engagement are key components, allowing us to give back to the community and build lasting connections. Chi Psi offers a supportive and well-rounded college experience, emphasizing lifelong friendships, leadership skills, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Every brother makes sure to exemplify all seven core values in their daily life. 

Above all else, Chi Psi prioritizes brotherhood, and our bond is eternal.

National Interactions

Brothers of Chi Psi meet regularly throughout the year. Whether it is for a simple visit, a leadership conference or even our yearly national convention, all Chi Psi alphas remain tightly bonded to the national fraternity. 

Chi Psi's 181st National Convention at Alpha Xi Delta

Alphas of Chi Psi

Map highlighting the locations of Chi Psi Nationally