Brotherhood Spotlight

2024 Executive Board:

                (#1) President                Franklin Wu

             (#2) Internal VP                  Nathan Chapman

            (#3) External VP               Joseph Bulanda

                (#4) Treasurer                   Noah Bublitz

          (#5) Sergeant at Arms     Brock Rosenberger

  (#33) Recruitment Chair Marshall Liberman

             VP of Operations            Vihaan Chadha

Meet our Brother of the Month:

Nathan McKinley '27

Hi, my name is Nathan. I became a brother of Purdue’s Chi Psi last semester, and I can already say that it was one of the best decisions I made when I came to Purdue. This semester I have taken on the role of our Alpha’s Mental Health chair, leading two successful mental health bonfires at the Lodge this past month. I’ve loved the opportunity to take on a role that supports my brothers and I’m looking forward to finishing off my first full semester as a brother of Chi Psi!