The two main branches of my research are stochastic geometry and distributional approximation. I am particularly interested in studying various spatial random structures like spatial random graphs, random tessellations, birth-growth models in the presence of long-range dependence. Distributional approximation, especially by non-Gaussian limits like the Dickman distribution, form a central topic of my research. Some of my recent works concern Gaussian approximation for stabilizing functionals with long-range interactions, and degree distribution in scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs. More recently, my interests have also been in studying noise sensitivity in continuum percolation models.

Here is a link to my CV. See also Google Scholar and ORCID. I gratefully thank the German Research Foundation (DFG Project No. 531540467) for supporting my research.


11. Spectra of Poisson functionals and applications to continuum percolation models. (with Yogeshwaran Dhandapani and Giovanni Peccati) - In preparation.

10. Dickman approximation for minimal directed spanning trees in two dimensions. (with Matthias Schulte) - Draft available upon request.

09. Multivariate Gaussian approximation for random forest via region-based stabilization. [arXiv] (with Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Wolfgang Polonik and Zhaoyang Shi) - Submitted.

08. Dickman approximation of weighted random sums in the Kolmogorov distance. [arXiv] (with Matthias Schulte) - Submitted.


07. Central limit theorem for a birth-growth model with Poisson arrivals and random growth speed. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov and Riccardo Turin) - Advances in Applied Probability, (2024).

06. Gaussian approximation for sums of region-stabilizing scores. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 27, paper no. 111, 1-27, (2022).

05. Gaussian approximation for rooted edges in a random minimal directed spanning tree. [arXiv](most updated version) [Journal] - Random Structures & Algorithms, 61(3): 462-492, (2022).

04. Large degrees in scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Matthias Schulte) - Annals of Applied Probability, 32(1): 696-720, (2022).

03. Convergence to scale-invariant Poisson processes and applications in Dickman approximation. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 25, paper no. 79, 1-20, (2020).

02. Dickman approximation in simulation, summations and perpetuities. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Larry Goldstein) - Bernoulli, 25(4A): 2758–2792, (2019).

01. On strong embeddings by Stein’s method. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Larry Goldstein) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 21, paper no. 15, 1-30, (2016).

PhD. Thesis

00. Stein's method and its applications in strong embeddings and Dickman approximations. [Thesis] - University of Southern California (2018).