The two main branches of my research are stochastic geometry and distributional approximation. I am particularly interested in studying various spatial random structures like spatial random graphs, random tessellations, birth-growth models in the presence of long-range dependence. Distributional approximation, especially by non-Gaussian limits like the Dickman distribution, form a central topic of my research. Some of my recent works concern Gaussian approximation for stabilizing functionals with long-range interactions, and degree distribution in scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs. More recently, my interests have also been in studying noise sensitivity in continuum percolation models.

Here is a link to my CV. See also Google Scholar and ORCID. I gratefully thank DFG (Project No. 531540467) for supporting my research.


11. Spectra of Poisson functionals and applications to continuum percolation models. (with Yogeshwaran Dhandapani and Giovanni Peccati) - In preparation.

10. Dickman approximation for minimal directed spanning trees in two dimensions. (with Matthias Schulte) - Draft available upon request.

09. Multivariate Gaussian approximation for random forest via region-based stabilization. [arXiv] (with Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Wolfgang Polonik and Zhaoyang Shi) - Submitted.

08. Dickman approximation of weighted random sums in the Kolmogorov distance. [arXiv] (with Matthias Schulte) - Submitted.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

07. Central limit theorem for a birth-growth model with Poisson arrivals and random growth speed. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov and Riccardo Turin) - Advances in Applied Probability, (2024).

06. Gaussian approximation for sums of region-stabilizing scores. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 27, paper no. 111, 1-27, (2022).

05. Gaussian approximation for rooted edges in a random minimal directed spanning tree. [arXiv](most updated version) [Journal] - Random Structures & Algorithms, 61(3): 462-492, (2022).

04. Large degrees in scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Matthias Schulte) - Annals of Applied Probability, 32(1): 696-720, (2022).

03. Convergence to scale-invariant Poisson processes and applications in Dickman approximation. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Ilya Molchanov) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 25, paper no. 79, 1-20, (2020).

02. Dickman approximation in simulation, summations and perpetuities. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Larry Goldstein) - Bernoulli, 25(4A): 2758–2792, (2019).

01. On strong embeddings by Stein’s method. [arXiv] [Journal] (with Larry Goldstein) - Electronic Journal of Probability, 21, paper no. 15, 1-30, (2016).

PhD. Thesis

00. Stein's method and its applications in strong embeddings and Dickman approximations. [USC Libraries] - University of Southern California (2018).