Homepage of D. Yogeshwaran

I am an Associate Professor at Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute  (Bangalore).  My main research interest is probability and more specifically, stochastic geometry.  I am also interested in questions in Random Topology. On why the mix of Topology, Probability and Statistics (TOPOS) have interesting questions, read these four accessible and interesting articles by Robert Adler.  You may also look at these two courses by Omer Bobrowski and Robert Adler for more detailed reading.  

For what it is worth, here is my  ORCID page.

                                                  USEFUL LINKS

Probability in Bangalore.  ;  Probability Events in Bangalore  ;   Bangalore Probability Seminar

I am co-organizing the following seminars - 

Asia-Pacific Seminar on Applied Topology and Geometry

Stat-Math Colloquium

(Slides and Videos are available on the website)

Upcoming (and past) conferences at ISI, Bangalore.

Prospective students/interns/postdocs/faculty,  see here


Online Math Seminars.

Online Resources for Probabilists

More Mathematical stuff can be found here.



Email address: d.yogesh [AT] isibang [DOT] ac [DOT] in 

Office Tel No: 91-80-26985471

Fax: 91-80-2848 4265

Office :  

A-4,  Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit,

Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Center                                    

8th Mile Mysore Road 

RVCE Post, Jnana Bharti 

Bangalore - 560059, India