Crystal Growth and Modulation Spectroscopy Characterization Laboratory (CGMS) 


姓名 (Name)何清華 (Ching-Hwa Ho) 

系所 (Department):應用科技研究所 (Grad. Inst. Appl. Sci. & Technol.) 

職稱 (Position ):教授 (Professor) 

個人辦公室 (Office):研揚大樓10樓 TR-1014 (TR building 10F, Room 1014)

個人網站 (Home page):https://sites.google.com/view/ching-hwa-ho

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7195-208X

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Xqj7Fk8AAAAJ&hl=zh-TW 

ResearcherID (WOS): D-1776-2012

電子信箱 (e-mail):chho@mail.ntust.edu.tw 

聯絡電話(Tel):02-27303772 (International call: +886227303772)



(Ph.D, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) 1995/9-1999/1


(MS, EE Department in Graduate Institute of Engineering, National Taiwan Institute of Technology) 1989/9-1991/6


(BS, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan Institute of Technology) 1987/9-1989/6

國立高雄工業專科學校電子工程科, NKIT 1979/9-1984/6


國立臺灣科技大學應用科技學院院長 2021/8 ~

(Dean, College of Applied Science, NTUST)

國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所教授兼所長 2019/8 ~ 2021/7

(Chairman in The Graduate Institute of Appl. Sci. & Technol., NTUST)

國立臺灣科技大學特聘教授 2012/6 ~

(Distinguished Professor in The Graduate Institute of Appl. Sci. & Technol., NTUST)

國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所教授 2011/8 ~

(Professor in The Graduate Institute of Appl. Sci. & Technol., NTUST)

國立臺灣科技大學貴重儀器中心主任 2016/8 ~ 2018/3

(Director of Instrumentation Center, NTUST)

國立臺灣科技大學工程技術研究所教授 2009/8 ~ 2011/7

(Professor in The Graduate Institute of Engineering, NTUST)

國立東華大學材料科學與工程學系主任、教授、副教授、助理教授 2002/8-2009/7

(Professor and Chairman in The Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University)

國立東華大學光電工程研究所代理所長、教授 2006/8-2009/7

(Professor and Director in The Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, National Dong Hwa University)

國立東華大學研發處學術服務組組長 2003/8-2006/7

(Director of Academic Service in NDHU)

光武技術學院電子系副教授、講師 1991/8-2002/7

(Associate Professor and lecturer in Kuang Wu Institute of Technology)

教育部技專校院評鑑委員 2012

(Member of Evaluation Committee in Ministry of Eduation) 


獲選2024年美國光學學會會士(Optica Fellow)

Elected as 2024 OPTICA (Formly OSA) Fellow

Fellow Profile form OPTICA,  optica.org/get_involved/awards_and_honors/fellow_members/fellow_profiles/ching-hwa_ho/   

獲史丹佛大學與ElsevierScopus2023年公佈之(1) 終身科學影響力(1788 - 2022)居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家 (2) 2022年度科學影響力居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家

(1) Top 2% Scientists in 2022 and (2) Top 2% Scientists for Career (1788-2022)

獲史丹佛大學與ElsevierScopus2022年公佈之(1) 終身科學影響力(1960 - 2021)居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家 (2) 2021年度科學影響力居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家

(1) Top 2% Scientists in 2021 and (2) Top 2% Scientists for Career (1960-2021) 


Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM Fellow 2021 (Certification No. FIAAM/FL-262/06-21)

榮獲 2021 Vebleo會士

Fellow of Vebleo: Vebleo Fellow recognizes researcher or scientist who has prominence and leadership in the field of science, engineering, and technology. This award serves to honor and acknowledges career achievement.

晉升 IEEE Senior Member

Elevation to IEEE Senior Member (Starting from Feb. 1 2024)


(2021 Prominent Research Award in NTUST)

獲史丹佛大學與ElsevierScopus2022年公佈之(1) 終身科學影響力(1960 - 2020)居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家 (2) 2020年度科學影響力居全球前 2% 頂尖科學家

(1) Top 2% Scientists in 2020 and (2) Top 2% Scientists for Career (1960-2020)


(AAPPS Award in Annual Meeting of TPS 2022 -- Adzilah Shahna Rosyadi, Advisor: C.H. Ho)

指導2位學生獲OPTIC 2021國際光電研討會口頭發表論文獎

(OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award (two students) -- Adzilah Shahna Rosyadi and Luthviyah Choirotul Muhimmah, Advisor: C.H. Ho)

材料前沿 - 國際期刊副編輯

Associate Editor of Frontier in Materials, Semiconductor Materials and Devices Section (IF 3.515)


(Oral Prestation Award in Annual Meeting of TPC 2020 -- T.M. Herninda, Advisor: C.H. Ho)


(2018 Prominent Research Award in NTUST)


Editorial Board Member, Crystals (IF=2.144) - MDPI, Switzerland

Guest Editor for Special Issue "Growth and Characterization of Chalcogenide Semiconductors", Crystals (IF=2.144) - MDPI, Switzerland, Oct 2018~


(2015 research award in NTUST)

受邀擔任英國自然(Nature)旗下子期刊-科學報導(Scientific Reports)之編輯委員會委員。

Invited to be an Editorial Board Member in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) IF=5.578, Since May 2015


Editor of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – Asia (Bentham Science)

獲聘國立臺灣科技大學特聘教授 2012/6 ~

(Distinguished Professor, NTUST)

指導學生獲OPTIC 2012國際光電研討會口頭發表論文獎

(OPTIC 2012 Student Paper Award -- Y.P. Wang, Advisor: C.H. Ho)

指導學生獲IPC 2011國際光電研討會壁報論文獎

(IPC 2011 Student Paper Award -- C.H. Chan, Advisor: C.H. Ho)


(2011 research award in NTUST)


(OSA Senior Member Award, Recognition by Optical Society of America in Nov. 2010)


(2009 Prominent research award in NTUST)


(2006 Academic award for new professor in NDHU)

2005-2009多次收錄於Who’s who in the World,Who’s who in Science and Engineering 及Who’s who in Asia。


(Excellent teaching award in Sci & Eng college of NDHU)


(Best award for instrumentation design and application of microcomputer) 


半導體量測 (Characterization of Semiconductors)

半導體光學性質(Optical Properties of Semiconductors)

半導體原理(General Aspect of Semiconductors)

材料光特性分析(Optical Characterization of Materials)

光電材料與元件 (Optoelectronics Materials and Devices)

半導體材料 (Semiconductors) 


1.二維硫屬層狀半導體之單晶成長與特性研究 (Crystal Growth and Characterization of 2D Layered Chalcogenides Semiconductors)

2.半導體光電材料及元件之特性研究 (The Study of Semiconductor Optoelectronics)

3.調制光譜 (Modulation Spectroscopy of Semiconductors)

4.半導體光電量測技術暨電路設計實務 (Measurement Technique & Circuit Design)