Industry and Occupation Classification

China's Industry Classification

China's Industry Classification, or Census Industry Classification (CIC) has five versions since 1984: 1984 (GB/T 4754-1984), 1994(GB/T 4754-1994), 2002(GB/T 4754-2002), 2011(GB/T 4754-2011), 2017(GB/T 4754-2017). The difference among them is VERY LARGE, especially among the first three versions! Even the two-digital codes vary between versions. Here is a full collection for them:

1984, 1994(1994 Excel version), 2002, 2011, 2017

Two convert tables for 2002/1994 and 2011/2002

One training material for surveyors based on the 2017 version, detailing the logic and history of CIC.

2017 training materials

Please be aware that only the scanned materials are authoritative versions. Excel or Word versions may be subject to errors. (I have already fixed some errors in the 2002/1994 convert tables).

For those who are interested in matching codes at four digital levels, could be helpful (see their 2012 JDE paper and appendix).

UHS Industry Classification Change in 2004

The UHS is becoming widely available to junior researchers since 2019. 

The structures of this survey have been adjusted several times: 1986-1987, 1988-1991, 1992-1996, 1997-2001, 2002-2006, and 2007 onwards, according to the official handbook published in 2006.

However, researchers need to be aware that the classification of the industry has been changed in 2004, in the middle of the 2002-2006 survey. 

From 1997-2003, there are 16 industries. However, from 2004, the number of industries has been expended to 20, which is the industry structure for 2007 onwards. So researchers should use the 2007 questionnaire from 2004 for the industries classification.

China's Occupation Classification

China's Occupation Classification has four versions since 1986: 1986 (GB/T 6565-1986), 1999(GB/T 6565-1999), 2009(GB/T 6565-2009), and 2015(GB/T 6565-2015). They are much more similar than industry classifications except the 2015 one which uses a new coding system. However, I could not find the first version online. The most reliable way to find any national standard is to buy a print version from

There is an official disclosure platform actually:

 But they don't show expired versions. Even for the current version, this platform is full of glitches......

The three available versions: 1999, 2009, 2015 (an Excel version comes from the Shanghai Bureau of Statistics:

I also find a so-called "Occupation Classification for the 6th Census" (2010 Census). After a quick look, I think it is the same as the 2009 version.