

Peer-reviewed articles

Book Section

Academic Appointments

Journal Referee

Progress in Human Geography (1 review); Progess in Environmental Geography (1 review); Social Studies of Science (1 review); Geopolitics (3 reviews) ; Geoforum (4 reviews) ; Geography Compass (1 review); American Anthropologist (2 reviews) ; Territory, Politics, Governance (4 reviews); Habitat International (8 reviews) ; Journal of Cultural Economy (2 reviews) ; Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (1 review); Professional Geographers (2 reviews); Journal of Agrarian Change (1 review) ; Urban Studies (2 reviews); Journal of Rural Studies (4 reviews) ; Agriculture and Human Values (1 reivew) ; Sociologia Ruralis (2 reviews) ; International Journal of Taiwan Studies (1 review); Taiwanese Sociology (Chinese), Geographical Science (Chinese), Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine (Chinese), Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture (Chinese), Journal of Building and Planning (Chinese), Bulletin of the Geographical Society of China (Chinese), Thoughts and Words Journal (Chinese)

Academic Publishers Referee

Invited Academic Talks