
Chi-Mao Wang 王驥懋

I am a rural/ political geographer interested in rural politics,  food geographies, and more-than-human geographies. My work examines (1) rural environmental politics, focusing on the role of earthly elements in shaping rural environmental politics and challenging our understanding of Geo-politics. Relevant works have been published in leading journals, such as Political Geography and Environment and Planning D: Society and Space; (2) how living beings shape agri-food market-making. My research critiques the management of plant and animal diseases solely through biosecurity. These works are published in journals, including Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Journal of Cultural Economy, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, The Geographical Journal, and Sociologia Ruralis; (3) rural politics and rural-urban relations. The works on rural politics have been published in Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Journal of Rural Studies, Journal of Peasant Studies, and Journal of Agrarian Change. Through international collaborations, my recent works on Planetary Rural Geographies and the Performation of Rurality and Urbanity have been published in Dialogues in Human Geography and Journal of Rural Studies, both problematise the long-lasting rural-urban dichotomy. They extend debates on planetary urbanisation and ruralisation. My recent international collaboration research investigates how rural societies and agricultural sectors across Global South/East/North respond to planetary climate change. 



Research Interest 

Research Grants 
