Litigation and Laws

In today's world, everything runs through the internet with almost every individual having quick and easy access to information on any subject or topic. This also means it is filled with nasty and horrific content for anyone to see and big concerns have risen on how to regulate it to prevent the younger generation from consuming this content. Typically the majority of the responsibility lands on the parents on how they want to regulate their kids' internet usage, It's the government's job to put in laws requiring websites to place systems that will prevent children from accessing this content. While at this point there aren't quite enough regulations or proper solutions to this problem below are two active laws that have been implemented two protect children.

Children's Online Privacy Act (COPPA)

In 2020 Senator Markey introduced the Children's Online Privacy Act to help regulate this content it said “Prohibiting kids and young teen websites from amplifying violent, inappropriate, and dangerous content... Requiring websites to implement mechanisms for users to report instances in which the website recommends harmful content to kids and young teens”.

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Children's Internet Act (CIPA)

In 2003 the Supreme Court overruled a previous ruling so that public institutions such as libraries and public schools are now required by Congress to implement a filtering system to prevent minors from viewing harmful, violent, or sensitive information.

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With the governments realizing the problem that is arising for minors and implementing regulations like this is a massive step in the right direction. However, at this current point in time, The regulations in place are simply not enough and some serious innovation will have to be used in order to enforce filters. Things like this could include verifying identities on websites that contain severe violence or disturbing images or, Legally requiring parents to implement filters for devices that children may be using. Parents should also have a discussion with their children as to how they want to approach internet usage.

Nbcnews put together a list of examples on how parents/gaurdians can better protect their children and how to properly protect their children on the internet:

  • Keep your eyes on your Web explorers at all times.

  • Teach them to keep private info private.

  • Take advantage of your browser's parental controls.

  • Chaperone your child's every online chat.

  • Install mature content filtering software.

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In the future, it is going to be necessary for government officials to take into consideration the kinds of content that are being put out there and enforce more laws with the technology available to make sure it is safe for the people accessing it. Parents should also be required to protect their children from accessing these websites for their children's well-being and development.