An Experts Opinion

We had the chance to interview Olga Mogollon, a psychologist from Colombia who has a Bachelor's degree in psychology obtained from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, after she graduated she had a specialization on "Neuroeducacion".

  1. Effects of Uncensored Media

Have you seen effects on children from uncensored media? For example changes in behavior and thinking patterns, such as depression, anxiety, aggressive actions, violent thoughts, and have therefore been desensitized.

"Of course, this happens because what people show in the social media affects the viewers, and we tend to compare our lives to others, this can cause depression in kids and adults since they compare their lives to others. Creating beauty and living standards, and this causes kids and teenagers to feel not enough to fit in a society. This creates a distorted reality, in psychology this goes by the name cognitive dissonance, making people build their life base on what they see in social media, changing their behaviour to fit into the stadars society creates, this eagerness to fit in causes anxiety and depression." (Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. “Lifelong effects”

If you have seen patient(s), specifically children, for a long span of time, have you seen major effects on them relating to viewing uncensored media?

"Yes, This becomes something indispensable for life, and nowadays, first because this creates an idealization of how we should act, also we normalize the kind of behaviors we see online. In kids, what they are exposed to in their young years develops their way of acting and thinking. We create a reference to what we see, if children see a certain type of behavior or relationship in the media, they think that is how life works, and how things should be. This can create all types of behavior depending on the kind of things children are exposed to." (Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Effects of Video Games

Do you believe that there is a correlation between playing video games and certain behaviors? For example, children become more aggressive and gain violent views on the world.

"Yes, because games are reality simulators and there is a part that identifies on our nervous system that identifies reality from fantasy but other that does not and makes us believe that what we are seeing is the reality because we can feel adrenaline, and excitement, in consequence, if we are too exposed to games we interiorize conduct patterns, and if the games are violent, we interiorize the violent conduct patterns "(Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Effects of Horror films, gore, and violence in media programs

Do you believe that there is an effect of this causing certain behaviors? For example, have children become more aggressive and gain violent views on the world.

"Just as before, it happens the same with video games. In this case, we have two elements, images and emotion. When we get scared there is a part of our nervous system that assumes that everything is real and we adapt that which influences our behaviour. " (Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Effects of pornography

How do you think viewing pornography afffects children from a young age? Their future relationships? is there any correlation to sexual violence/ abuse?

"Yes, beacause children believe that what is shown it is how sexual life works, the earlier they watch porn, they are more propense to try and have sex. Also since in the porn industry, a lot of sadistic things are shown they adopt this behavior and this makes the relationship move in a distorted way, making people think that to have pleasure they need to act the way the actors do."(Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Media

Why do you believe that people seek out this type of media? What do they “gain” from this? What are the negative effects?

"People seek this for entertainment, as its name says it. People prefer to stay home and watch experiences instead of living them on their own. This has affected kids because this has changed their lifestyle, in other times kids used to play but things have changed and the entertainment style has changed too. There is a lot of variety in the media that traps them, the negative effect is that children are attached to this and do not create their own experiences. "(Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Future Laws

What kinds of laws would you like to see to protect children in the future and what more can be done from a legal standpoint? Do you see a solution to this phenomenon? Do you believe that we can work to solve this issue? If so, what actions can we take to help make this change?

"I would increment a limit on the media exposure for children, the latest you expose children to media, the better, and also there should be a lot more rules for the creators of the entertainment world."(Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. The evolution of uncensored media

Have you seen a progressively more prominent stance that uncensored media has had throughout time?

"I believe this is the time in which there is a lot of liberty within censure, everybody has the chance to produce whatever they want, and since everything happens so fast, the ways to censor things it’s even harder to have control over certain content that is posted on different platforms."(Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)

  1. Opinion on Solution

Do you see a solution to this phenomenon? Do you believe that we can work to solve this issue? If so, what actions can we take to help make this change?

"I would create a mechanism dedicated to the analysis with multiple people that generate certain censure, this should include scientists to analyze the human brain and behavior that this can have on the human brain since the only ones censoring this are the CEO of the entertainment world companies, also there should be an education on this provided in school and at home establishing limits within the media." (Mogollon, Olga. Personal interview. 4 August 2021.)