
Is this workshop relevant to me?

If you are a researcher, practitioner or a non-academic working in the field of child-agent interaction, you are welcome to join this workshop. We welcome different types of contributions concerning the workshop topics such as position papers and expression of interest to participate by students, non-academics and practitioners, describing their background and motivation of what they would like to do/achieve in the field of CRI. We also welcome attendees who still can participate without submission in case they do not have any content to present.

What would I learn in this workshop?

This workshop’s primary objective is to establish an interdisciplinary debate and have philosophical discussions about the present and future relationship between children and robots. The workshop includes several interactive activities such as Presentations, Questions/Answer Rounds, Panel discussion, and collaborative activity. Thus, either you are a naive researcher or experienced one, you would be able to gain the benefits of the activities in addition to the discussions between researchers and the Keynote speakers.

Submission Details

Submission deadline: 12 April 2021

Submission website: Please use the following link for submission. In the submission process, EasyChair is used. Please see submission instructions.

Submission format: The submissions should be original and unpublished research work written in English Language for the maximum length of 2-4 pages + references.

Authors should consult ACM SIGCHI format and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX, Word, or Overleaf for the preparation of their papers.


Topics of Interests

We encourage participants to submit their work related to the field of CRI, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Design and deployment challenges.

  • Adapting to the "new normal".

  • Experiments involving children and agents.

  • Challenges of safe child-agent interaction.

  • Children’s involvement in design and development.

  • Children’s perception (measuring, evaluating, and interpreting).

  • Expectations for future interactions.

  • The impact of the agents on children’s cognitive development.

  • Ethical Concerns.

Post-workshop plan

We will create a mailing list for the workshop participants to join the post-workshop discussion and work on a theme eliciting possible collaboration between the participants. We plan to publish a workshop report and edit a special issue in an International Journal, inviting participants to submit an article. Moreover, we also plan to keep the website going to conduct a follow-up workshop to keep the discussion and knowledge exchange going.