Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Book Title: Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Author: Anna Lembke

Platform: Audible (

Finished Date: January 9 th, 2024


This book focuses on how to balance between pleasure and pain to avoid addictions.


1. The relentless pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance to pain leads to pain

2. The recovery begins with abstinence

3. Abstinence resets the brain’s reward pathway and with it our capacity to take joy and simple pleasures

4. Self-binding creates literal and metacognitive space between desire and consumption, a modern necessity dopamine overloaded world

5. Medications can restore homeostasis but consider what we lose by medicating away our pain

6. Pressing on the pain side resets our balance to the side of pleasure

7. Beware of getting addicted to pain

8. Radical honesty promotes awareness and enhances intimacy and fosters a plenty mindset

9. Prosocial shame affirms that we belong to the human tribe

10. Instead of running away from the world we can find escape by immersing ourselves in it