
Working papers

Live Longer and Healthier: Impact of Pension Income for Low-Income Retirees, with Han Ye [Submitted]

[CRC DP No. 514] [IZA DP No. 17024]

We estimate the effect of additional pension benefits on mortality outcomes by exploring the two eligibility criteria of a German pension subsidy program for low-wage workers. Using novel administrative data, we find that eligibility leads to a 2-month delay in age at death (censored at 75). Survey evidence suggests that additional pension income improves both mental and physical health. In addition, individuals feel less financially constrained and are more optimistic about their future. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that the results are mainly driven by men.

Work in progress

Flexible at Work, Flexible at Home: Working from Home and the Household Division of Labour within Families, with Sarra Ben Yahmed 

Intergenerational returns to migration. Evidence from Italian immigrants worldwide, with Guido Neidhöfer 

Life expectancy in Germany. Determinants over time and across regions, with Davide Fiaschi