Han Ye    叶 晗

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Mannheim

Contact: han.ye[at]uni-mannheim[dot]de

Address: L7, 3-5, Room 223, 68161 Mannheim, Germany

Fields:  Labor Economics, Public Policy, and Economics of Aging

Current Research:  Firms' role in retirement; social pensions and intimate partner violence;  pension awareness and job choice;  intergenerational effect of pension; retirement and health;  unemployment insurance for older workers.

Current Status: 

I am an Assistant Professor of Applied Public Economics at the University of Mannheim.  I am also an IZA Research Fellow, a ZEW Research Associate and a member of the Collaborative Research Center CRC TR 224 “ Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges”

I am visiting ETH Zurich during academic year 2024/2025.

Research agenda

My research agenda centers around the challenges raised by the demographic changes, particular population ageing. My overarching interest is understanding and improving public policy through the careful, objective study of data, as supported by insights from economic models. My current projects and planned future work are grouped around three key public policy issues: income security in old age; raising the retirement age; and the gender pension gap.

Most of my research projects focus on understanding the effects of the public pension reforms, particularly the impacts of social insurance and social safety nets. I study both the direct labor supply responses and the impact on other dimensions, including savings, consumption expenditures, and mortality outcomes. I also examine the intergenerational spillover effects of old-age pension on the gender wage gap and early childhood development. 

Last name pronounced like the " Yeh" (but mistakes aren't a big deal)