Chetek-weyerhaeuser scholarship foundation
The mission of the Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Scholarship Foundation, Inc. is to promote a better society through financial help for further education
Who Is The CWSF? The Chetek-Weyerhaeuser Area Scholarship Foundation (CWSF) is a 100% non-profit organization made up of volunteer-community members who have an abundance of enthusiasm for the success of the Scholarhip Foundation and a heart to serve CW students. They are united in support of the CWSF mission: Promote a better society through financial help for further education.
The CWSF Board is comprised of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the school guidance counselor as well as up to ten additional members. Our Board of Directors (BOD) consists of members from a variety of age groups and walks of life. More importantly, the CWSF is every community member or person, anywhere in the world, who has an interest in investing in CWHS graduates.
Who does the CWSF serve? The CWSF serves graduating seniors of Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School by providing financial help for their further education through scholarship awards. Scholarship recipients are chosen on the basis of their applications, including academic achievement, service, and leadership, using fair and equitable practices, according to the strict standards defined in our by-laws. (See Corporate By-laws below.)
What does the CWSF do? The CWSF holds community fundraising events, accepts donations and manages assests for the express purpose of investing in the future of CW graduates as they pursue post-secondary education.
How can I help? You can help us by staying informed. Check out this website. Read our by-laws. Read the list of scholarship recipients we have helped. Check out the section about our upcoming fund raising events! Volunteer to help out at a fund raising event. Most importantly if you can help us financially or you know someone who can or would like to, please get in touch with our organization and we can go over the many options there are for gifting to the CWSF and leaving your legacy at CWHS.
Contact Us: If you have any questions, please email us at You may also call President, John Flor at 715-205-3776, or send a correspondence to: CWSF, P.O. Box 244, Chetek, WI 54728
corporate by-laws

investment policy


Corporate Tax Records
Board of Directors
John Flor - President
Steve Vork - Vice President
Dawn Knutson - Treasurer
Janis Volker - Secretary
Randy Albrecht - Member
Leslie Olson - Member
Alyce Bannister- Member
Connie Olson - Member
Craig Simonson - Member
Rachel Westberg - Member
Diane Huiras - Member
Nik Sather - Member
Teresa Killoren - Member
Fred Bannister - Emeritus