Public Talks

Final Presentation at ASIAA Research Internship

This presentation was given as a deliverable at Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan - Summer Student Program 2021 for the project: Identifying Temperate Planet Candidates in the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone, supervised by Dr. Alex Teachey

Exploring Starry Realms with Gaia

This talk was given at a PyData Delhi Meetup. The talk goes through the basics of Astronomy and the Gaia satellite, to a small demo of the capabilities to use and develop open-source tools for studying stars in our Milky Way galaxy using Gaia. 

Unix and Git Tutorial

This tutorial covers a beginner level overview on how to use Git and how to do shell scripting in Unix. Delivered while mentoring at Introduction to Astronomy Research 2022 Course led by Dr. Fei Dai, Postdoctoral fellow at Caltech and Howard Isaacson, Research Scientist at UC Berkeley 

A hands-on session on using Git and Github

The session covers the gory details of how git actually works to provide fundamental knowledge of what goes under the hood, then moves to a quick hands-on on using git in your day-to-day workflows, about working collaboratively using GitHub, and a bit about git flow. This talk was given at the workshop Astrosprint 2021 organized by Dr. Priya Hasan and N. Hasan.

A hands-on Tutorial on Gaia and using Gaia Archival Data

Delivered while mentoring at Introduction to Astronomy Research 2021 Course led by Howard Isaacson, Research Scientist at UC Berkeley and Dr. Fei Dai, Postdoctoral fellow at Caltech

An Introduction to Python and Jupyter Notebooks

Delivered while mentoring at Introduction to Astronomy Research 2021 Course led by Howard Isaacson, Research Scientist at UC Berkeley and Dr. Fei Dai, Postdoctoral fellow at Caltech

Not so advanced Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

This talk was given as a lightning talk at a PyData Delhi Meetup. PyData is a NumFocus initiative to hold conferences, meetups and bring together users and developers of data tools it sponsors, like NumPy, Astropy, Sunpy, etc.

Aquacom: Underwater Visible Light Communication

This talk was presented at IndiaCom 2018 Conference