
Identifying Temperate Exoplanet Candidates in the TESS Continuous Viewing Data

Research Internship at Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan. Supervised by Dr. Alex Teachey

The TESS CVZ is the overlap region between the various sectors of the TESS all-sky coverage, which provides us a time baseline of around 351 years, enabling us to search for longer period exoplanets in the previously (relatively) undiscovered CVZ data. We created a pipeline to search for exoplanets using a detrending mechanism (using Median filter and Tukey's Biweight filter), an unsupervised Machine Learning based outlier rejection mechanism, and a Box Least Squared transit search module. We also used a grid-based approach to size our kernels for the transit search which were informed a priori by stellar parameters.

The pipeline was able to recover 18/20 known Kepler planets and 17/20 known TESS planets in the test dataset. We are continuing this research on finding and following up for CVZ planet candidates

Paper in preparation

Project Proposal: Exoplanet Transit Classification using Recurrent Neural Networks

Supervised by: Howard Isaacson, Research Scientist at UC Berkeley, and mentored by Joseph M.A. Murphy, Grad student at UCSC

Submitted to Intro to Astro 2020 course


Driver Assistance Systems - Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Pedestrian Collision Avoidance

Research Internship 1: Marconi Society, under the supervision of Dr. Aakanksha Chowdhery, Google Brain, Tensorflow (then Postdoc at Princeton) and Prof. Brejesh Lall, Electrical and Electronics Dept., IIT Delhi and mentorship by Prerana Mukherjee, Grad Student at IIT Delhi and Abhishek Gagneja, Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College Of Engineering

Research Internship 2: IIT Delhi, under the supervision of Prof. Brejesh Lall, Electrical and Electronics Dept., IIT Delhi, and under mentorship from Abhishek Gagneja, Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College Of Engineering


Collected and annotated a dataset of over 50,000 frames with 7 different classes of road obstacles (including cars, pedestrians) along with occlusion information. The dataset was the only indigenous dataset with the above information available and was leveraged for benchmarking various detection and tracking algorithms


Multi-Object Tracking

In Multi-Object Tracking, each of these classes' objects in the frame were treated as separate objects with given IDs, and algorithms were used to track their trajectory through the frames for each of these objects. The main algorithms in use were SORT (Simple Online Realtime Tracking), and the Neural Network implementation of SORT, called Deep SORT, which learns features to capture the trajectory of these objects. These algorithms were implemented on the indigenous dataset to optimize the performance and benchmark the dataset for Multi-Object Tracking.

Fig: A frame from the SORT Tracking for multiple objects in the frame

Trajectory Prediction: Survey

In Trajectory Prediction, we focus specifically on pedestrians and try to predict the future trajectory points for them based on their previous trajectory. We surveyed the field extensively to implement algorithms such as Social LSTM, SS-LSTM, and Social GANS, among others. We also researched novel ways to implement trajectory prediction for the dynamic dashboard cameras which had no published and open algorithms at that time,

Visible Light Communication

A visible light communication (also known as LiFi) prototype was created as part of the idea to enable short-term underwater communication using predetermined message signals. The paper presents our results on the time-delays and feasibility of the prototype. Slides can be seen here
