Some Little Things about Chengyu

"Culture is the name for what people are interested in, their thoughts, their models, the books they read and the speeches they hear” Walter Lippmann

People often don't know that I come from a sizable and very historical city in China called Luoyang. On the left-hand side are some things that the city is known for: colorful peonies, Longmen Grottoes, White Horse Temple (one of the earliest Buddhist temples in China), and historical assets from Tang Dynasty. Chinese culture and history has always had a big influence on how who am I today as a communication scholar and my approaches to research and teaching.

I studied Public Relations and Advertising as an undergrad for two years in southeast city in China called Zhuhai. During those two years, I had some internship opportunities and had better understanding about how the media industry works from a communication perspective. In 2014, I followed my passion and transferred to the States to continue my exploration in the field of communication. I finished my undergraduate education in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and continued there to get my master degree. After receiving my MA, I moved to California to continue my doctoral training in the Department of Communication at University of California, Santa Barbara. This is where I am now and where I will be for the next few years.