
Dr. Charles Henderson is a Distinguished Professor at Western Michigan University (WMU), with a joint appointment between the Physics Department and the WMU Mallinson Institute for Science Education. He is the Director of the Mallinson Institute and co-Founder and co-Director of the WMU Center for Research on Instructional Change in Postsecondary Education (CRICPE). His research program focuses on understanding and promoting instructional change in higher education, with an emphasis on improving undergraduate STEM instruction. Dr. Henderson’s work has been supported by nearly $11M in external grants and has resulted in many publications (see  He is a Fulbright Scholar and a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Dr. Henderson is the senior editor for the journal Physical Review Physics Education Research and has served on two National Academy of Sciences Committees: Undergraduate Physics Education Research and Implementation, and Developing Indicators for Undergraduate STEM Education. 


University of Minnesota (2002), Ph.D. Physics Education Research Group

University of Minnesota (1994), M.S. Physics

Macalester College (1991), B.A. Math/Physics

Service and Professional Recognition (selected activities)

Teaching Experience

Contact Information

Charles Henderson 

Mallinson Institute for Science Education

Western Michigan University

1903 West Michigan Ave. 

Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008-5444 

(269) 387-4951