The Motorcycle Diaries (Spanish: Diarios de motocicleta) is a 2004 biopic about the journey and written memoir of the 23-year-old Ernesto Guevara, who would several years later become internationally known as the Marxist guerrilla leader and revolutionary leader Che Guevara. The film recounts the 1952 expedition, initially by motorcycle, across South America by Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. As well as being a road movie, the film is a coming-of-age film; as the adventure, initially centered on youthful hedonism, unfolds, Guevara discovers himself transformed by his observations on the life of the impoverished indigenous peasantry. Through the characters they encounter on their continental trek, Guevara and Granado witness first hand the injustices that the destitute face and are exposed to people and social classes they would have never encountered otherwise. To their surprise, the road presents to them both a genuine and captivating picture of Latin American identity. As a result, the trip also plants the initial seed of radicalization within Guevara, who would later challenge the continent's endemic economic inequalities and political repression.

Every generation needs a journey story; every generation needs a story about what it is to be transformed by geography, what it is to be transformed by encounters with cultures and people that are alien from yourself, and you know that age group 15 to 25, that's the perfect generation to get on a motorcycle, to hit the road, to put on your backpack and just go out.

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He always wanted to travel. In 1949 he had embarked on a solo bicycle tour of Argentina. When Alberto Granada, a family friend who was working in a leprosy hospital in Argentina's Crdoba Province, asked Guevara if he wanted to travel with him by motorcycle to North America, the young Guevara immediately said yes, even if it meant postponing his medical exams.

On January 4, 1952, the pair left on La Poderosa II ("The Mighty One"), Granada's 1939 500cc Norton motorcycle. They almost crashed into a streetcar immediately after taking off from an endless farewell at the Granadas' home in Crdoba.

The pair also got into trouble. While stopping in the town of Lautaro to repair the motorcycle after an accident, they were invited to a dance. The evening ended badly, however, after Guevara was caught trying to seduce a married woman. The two men were chased out of town by an angry mob.

Un tour de cou moto, abordable et facileĀ  utiliser, vous protge des courants d'air en t comme en hiver. Les tours de cou polaires protgent efficacement du froid durant la saison hivernale. Avec de superbes imprims vintage, la marque italienne Holy Freedom associe le plaisir du style customĀ  la fonctionnalit du cache cou moto. Pour satisfaire les bikers, la marque propose des tours de cou avec des motifs particuliers : tte de mort, drapeau des USA...

Nous vous proposons galement des foulards moto carrs fabriqus dans diffrents tissus : soie, lin, coton, viscose. Les dimensions de nos foulards moto sont prcises pour chaque produit. Pouvant tre utiliss comme caches cou ou cache nez, les foulards moto sont des accessoires au style intemporel et recherch.

Quand on roule avec un casque jet et une paire de lunettes moto, le visage est expos aux projections en tout genre (gravillons, insectes, poussires...). Un masque moto en noprne vous offre une excellente protection contre les projections et le vent. Les attaches en velcro des masques moto pour le visage se portent sous le casque moto. 2351a5e196

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