Advanced DataPilot technology makes it easy to pull in raw data from corporate databases, and then cross-tabulate, summarise, and convert it into meaningful information. Real-time data streams can now be integrated in sheets and reports, and factored in calculations.

The calc() function takes a single expression as its parameter, and the expression's result is used as the value for a CSS property. In this expression, the operands can be combined using the operators listed below. When the expression contains multiple operands,calc() uses the standard operator precedence rules:

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Serializing the arguments inside calc() follows the IEEE-754 standard for floating point math which means there's a few cases to be aware of regarding the infinity and NaN constants. For more details on how constants are serialized, see the calc-constant page.

calc() makes it easy to position an object with a set margin. In this example, the CSS creates a banner that stretches across the window, with a 40-pixel gap between both sides of the banner and the edges of the window:

Here, the form itself is established to use 1/6 of the available window width. Then, to ensure that input fields retain an appropriate size, we use calc() again to establish that they should be the width of their container minus 1em. Then, the following HTML makes use of this CSS:

After all variables are expanded, widthC's value will be calc(calc(100px / 2) / 2), then when it's assigned to .foo's width property, all inner calc()s (no matter how deeply nested) will be flattened to just parentheses, so the width property's value will be eventually calc((100px / 2) / 2), i.e. 25px. In short: a calc() inside of a calc() is identical to just parentheses.

\n Serializing the arguments inside calc() follows the IEEE-754 standard for floating point math which means there's a few cases to be aware of regarding the infinity and NaN constants.\n For more details on how constants are serialized, see the calc-constant page.\n

Maintain a Healthy Weight Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your heart health. Learn more about overweight and obesity  Increase Physical Activity Moving more can lower your risk factors for heart disease.  Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet Eating a healthy diet is the key to heart disease prevention.  Know and Control Your Heart Health Numbers Tracking your heart health stats can help you meet your heart health goals.  Download the BMI calculator app today (available for iPhone).

This calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults 20 years and older. For children and teens, 2 through 19 years, use the BMI Calculator for Children and Teens.

BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. It is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. Including this widget on your application will allow people to calculate their BMI and see the corresponding weight category. It also provides information on what BMI is.

If you have any questions or comments about the Quick Calculator, please visit our Contact Social Security page for ways to contact us. Remember to use "Quick Calculator" as the subject so we know which calculator your question or comment refers to.

Commands are generally shown like this: p (calc-precision)or C-x * k (calc-keypad). This means that the command isnormally used by pressing the p key or C-x * k key sequence,but it also has the full-name equivalent shown, e.g., M-x calc-precision.

Finally, C-x * o (calc-other-window) is like C-x * cexcept that the Calc window is not selected. The buffer you wereediting before remains selected instead. If you are in a Calc window,then C-x * o will switch you out of it, being careful not toswitch you to the Calc Trail window. So C-x * o is a handyway to switch out of Calc momentarily to edit your file; you can thentype C-x * c to switch back into Calc when you are done.

Type C-x * k to turn Keypad mode on or off. Once again youget two new windows, this time on the righthand side of the screeninstead of at the bottom. The upper window is the familiar CalcStack; the lower window is a picture of a typical calculator keypad.

Around this time, my friend Rick Koshi showed me his nifty new HP-28calculator. It allowed the user to manipulate formulas as well asnumerical quantities, and it could also operate on matrices. Idecided that these would be good for Calc to have, too. And oncethings had gone this far, I figured I might as well take a look atserious algebra systems for further ideas. Since these systems didfar more than I could ever hope to implement, I decided to focus onrewrite rules and other programming features so that users couldimplement what they needed for themselves.

Many people have contributed to Calc by reporting bugs and suggestingfeatures, large and small. A few deserve special mention: Tim Peters,who helped develop the ideas that led to the selection commands, rewriterules, and many other algebra features; FranoisPinard, who contributed an early prototype of the Calc Summary appendixas well as providing valuable suggestions in many other areas of Calc;Carl Witty, whose eagle eyes discovered many typographical and factualerrors in the Calc manual; Tim Kay, who drove the development ofEmbedded mode; Ove Ewerlid, who made many suggestions relating to thealgebra commands and contributed some code for polynomial operations;Randal Schwartz, who suggested the calc-eval function; JuhaSarlin, who first worked out how to split Calc into quickly-loadingparts; Bob Weiner, who helped immensely with the Lucid Emacs port; andRobert J. Chassell, who suggested the Calc Tutorial and exercises aswell as many other things.

This chapter explains how to use Calc and its many features, ina step-by-step, tutorial way. You are encouraged to run Calc andwork along with the examples as you read (see Starting Calc).If you are already familiar with advanced calculators, you may wishto skip on to the rest of this manual.

Calc normally uses Reverse Polish notation (RPN). You may be familiarwith the RPN system from Hewlett-Packard calculators, FORTH, orPostScript. (Reverse Polish Notation is named after the Polishmathematician Jan Lukasiewicz.)

The central component of an RPN calculator is the stack. Acalculator stack is like a stack of dishes. New dishes (numbers) areadded at the top of the stack, and numbers are normally only removedfrom the top of the stack.

Some people prefer to enter complex numbers and vectors in algebraicform because they find RPN entry with incomplete objects to be toodistracting, even though they otherwise use Calc as an RPN calculator.

We could verify this hypothesis by doing the actual calculation with,say, 60 decimal places of precision. This will be slow, but notenormously so. Try it if you wish; sure enough, the answer is0.99999, reasonably close to 1.

Calc allows vectors to grow as large as you like, although it getsrather slow if vectors have more than about a hundred elements.Actually, most of the time is spent formatting these large vectorsfor display, not calculating on them. Try the following experiment(if your computer is very fast you may need to substitute a largervector size).

It is possible to use HMS forms as parts of error forms, intervals,modulo forms, or as the phase part of a polar complex number.For example, the calc-time command pushes the current timeof day on the stack as an HMS/modulo form.

This ends the tutorial section of the Calc manual. Now you know enoughabout Calc to use it effectively for many kinds of calculations. ButCalc has many features that were not even touched upon in this tutorial.The rest of this manual tells the whole story.

The problem is not that the square operation is inexact, but that thesine of 45 that was already on the stack was accurate to only 12 places.Arbitrary-precision calculations still only give answers as good astheir inputs.

A high-precision calculation must be carried out in high precisionall the way. The only number in the original problem which was knownexactly was the quantity 45 degrees, so the precision must be raisedbefore anything is done after the number 45 has been entered in orderfor the higher precision to be meaningful.

Fractions become unwieldy after too many calculations have beendone with them. For example, the sum of the reciprocals of theintegers from 1 to 10 is 7381:2520. The sum from 1 to 30 is9304682830147:2329089562800. After a point it will take a longtime to add even one more term to this sum, but a floating-pointcalculation of the sum will not have this problem.

Also, rational numbers cannot express the results of all calculations.There is no fractional form for the square root of two, so if you type2 Q, Calc has no choice but to give you a floating-point answer. 2351a5e196

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