
PTSA Member Meetings

Are open to all members and those interested in joining.  Membership is $15/adult ($10/student).

Meetings are a great way to learn about upcoming events, how to engage with our school and community and connect with other families.  Often teachers, Chase Lake staff and the principal join our meetings so we can collaboratively come together to make our Dolphin Pod a great place to learn - grow & have fun!

In late summer we set the calendar for the following school year based on the needs of our board, teachers & staff. 
For the 2023-2024 school year we meet the 2nd Tuesday of every other month* except for in September.

Evening Meetings from 7pm - 8:15pm
September, January & May

After-school Meetings from 3:30pm - 4:30pm
November & March

Child care is available when requested by 12noon of the meeting day by emailing the PTSA.

Our meetings are in-person, in the school library.  We do offer a Zoom listen-in option as well.  The Zoom platform is sponsored by one of our parents, so don't be alarmed by the Pepsi Co web address!  Zoom is not available during after-school meetings, if we meet outside