Church History
鑒於中國人口在 Cabarrus縣和北卡大學夏樂市分校附近的大幅增加,美南浸信會在 2000年覺得有需要在這地區開始華人事工,美南浸信會少數民族事工主任 Sei Hun Kim邀請建堂義工陳曉光牧師在 Cabarrus 浸信聯會的幫助下於開始另一華人事工。經過在 Harrisburg, Concord 和Kannapolis 的調查後,他們決定最合適的地點是在大學附近。
陳牧師與Providence Baptist Church of Harrisburg接觸,希望能在他們的教會開始中文團契,因為這教會離大學只有四英里。得到該教會的幫助,中文查經班在2001年五月開始,定名為以愛華人事工。
中文崇拜於2003 年開始,神的恩典使人數慢慢增長。到 2005 年年中,崇拜的房間已經不敷應用,需要尋找較大的崇拜地點。因為我們對傳福音給大學學生,教職員和他們家人的負擔,最理想的地點是在大學附近。
陳牧師在 UNCC正門對面的大學山浸信會參加一個感恩活動後,覺得它們的學生中心十分適合用作我們崇拜的地點。經過很多的禱告及與美南浸信會和大學山浸信會的多次接觸,並得到Providence Baptist Church of Harrisburg 的祝福後,中文事工在 2007 年二月搬到大學山浸信會聚會,正式改名為以愛華人浸信會。
In the year 2000, citing the rapid growth of Chinese population in Cabarrus county and the area around University of North Carolina in Charlotte (UNCC), North Carolina Baptist State Convention (NCSBC) sees the need to start a Chinese congregation in that area. Rev. Sie Hun Kim, director of ethnic churches of NCBSC approached Rev. Edmond Chan, a volunteer church planter with NCSBC and asked if he would like to start another Chinese ministry with the help from Cabarrus Baptist Association. They surveyed the Harrisburg, Concord and Kannapolis area and decided the best location to start a Chinese fellowship is near the UNCC area.
Rev. Chan approached Providence Baptist Church of Harrisburg, which is 4 miles from UNCC and requested to use its facilities for a Bible study group. With support from the church, the Chinese Bible study fellowship was formed in May, 2001 and was named Agape Chinese Baptist Ministry.
Chinese worship started in 2003 and with God’s grace the congregation starts to grow. By mid 2005, the room that we used to worship is no longer big enough so we have to look for a bigger facility. Because we want to outreach Chinese students, faculties and their families, the ideal location is a place near UNCC.
During a Thanksgiving function in University Hills Baptist Church (UHBC), which locates across the street from the main entrance of UNCC, Rev. Chan noticed that the church’s student center fits the need of worship for the Chinese congregation. After a lot of prayers and contacts with NCSBC and UHBC, and with the blessings from Providence Baptist Church in Harrisburg, the Chinese ministry moved to UHBC in February, 2007 and is formally named Agape Chinese Baptist Church.