Agape Chinese Baptist Church


2023 年主題

為光作見證, 傳福音給萬民

(約 1:7; 可 16:15)





約翰福音3:16; 哥林多前書13:13

~ 紮根 ~ 成長 ~ 外展 ~

Our Vision: 

Driven by Agape love, preach the Gospel and lead people to the Lord. As one in the name of Christ, grow in discipleship to serve and glorify Him. 

Our Mission: 

Care for the physical and spiritual needs of others with Agape love. Reach out to the unsaved and unchurched. Build an oneness fellowship among believers based on Biblical foundation. Grow together spiritually in the love of God and serve our Lord Jesus Christ with all our hearts and all our minds. 

John 3:16 ; 1 Corinthians 13:13