About Me

Get to know Charlene!

From the time she created her first pivot table in Microsoft Excel, Charlene knew that data analytics was the career path for her!

With the help of FullStack Academy and NYC's Tech to Talent Pipeline, Charlene is well on her way to achieving her goal of becoming a Data Architect. 

Charlene's Data Story

Fullstack Academy DATA Cohort December, 2022

Pictured Above : Fullstack Academy DATA Cohort, December 2022

A lifelong learner, eager to digest the new concepts before her, she turned her focus and curiosity to data analytics. While initially having a passion for data visualization and storytelling, with the help of Fullstack, she unknowingly found her love for coding and programming, gaining skills in SQL and python. She was able to get reacquainted with her love for math and statistics (R squared, A/B Hypothesis Testing, t-tests, OH MY!). Her dedication to the 18-week program granted her TTP’s Data Analyst Accelerator Training (DATA) certification in December of 2022. 

Before starting her journey of data analytics, Charlene Thomas first served as a Middle and High School Science and Math Teacher at the Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn, NY. As a teacher in an independent school, Charlene witnessed the largest growth of her professional skills, especially in her organizational and “soft” skills. Being given complete control of designing her curriculum allowed Charlene to expand, to stretch and to demonstrate her planning, organizing and project management skills. Teaching across multiple grade levels enabled her to absorb complex information quickly and to deliver the details in a clear, engaging and concise manner –for any age group. In her role, Charlene learned how to communicate effectively with a wide array of stakeholders - from children and their parents to grade administrators and teachers across numerous disciplines. 

All of these experiences have lended to Charlene's ability to translate the findings to and to connect to the public in a way that’s nuanced and easy to understand. She's excited to help people and organizations to make more informed decisions with her dashboards and analytics!

Pictured Below: Charlene and Other Educators: Academy for Teachers - Master Class, December 2018

Technical and Data-Related Skills:


Coursera G9BWDD4S9LBH.pdf
Coursera 5DUXADNUVCSF.pdf
Coursera J6YZZ7CXF7B3.pdf