Sewing Machines

Putting together the machine with each individual part

While the carts were the first part of my project in 2017, I expanded to sewing machines in 2018. Since the carts were making such a big impact on the men of the families, I had hoped sewing machines would do the same to the women. So again, I went around to family and friends and pitched my project to gain some financial commitment. With this money and some of my saved money that I would receive during Eid each year, I was able to donate 5 sewing machines (6500rupees each).

Brand new sewing machines

I've been annually donating around 5 sewing machines along with the carts. The sewing machines were empowering for the women as they now made their own income and provided for the family. During my visit to the village during Thanksgiving of 2019, I personally met these women and became aware that they actually received small projects from the nearby hospitals to stitch hospital gowns. Something so small has truly changed the lives of this small community especially for these women who are the main source of income for their children as many of them are widows.