
Cart construction

Final products

As a kid in India, I used to love playing with my cousins in the "gulley." We used to play cricket there, marbles, tag, and many other games. Many vendors used to come through the gulley to sell their goods, shouting whatever they were selling every-time they came by. I can never forget the countless early mornings I woke up to the sound of a man in the gulley yelling cheetae walle maus which translates directly to spotted bananas. I noticed that many of these vendors used to carry their goods on their back, and it was difficult for them to get place to place. This led me to the idea of building new carts that could last so these vendors could get to places easier and without strain. With these carts they could transport more goods and go from place to place without renting something to transport their goods with as many did. With the help of my grandma's contact in the village of Channapatana which is a village near Bangaluru in India, I got this project rolling in the summer of 2017. I was able to gather enough money to have 5 carts built (each ~7000 rupees) and donated to 5 families every year since then.