Public transport


The metro is network of lines that span across 100 stations and the metro will be expanded and is undergoing expansion right now. 


The busses are a very wide network of hundreds of bus lines and many bus terminals have been built in Stockholm to connect the trains with the busses.  There is different types of busses, some of them are bigger than the others.  The company who steers the public transport are SL. They are a state owned company which means that the state has monopoly on the company.  The region has the responibility about the busses along with other things such as hospitals.  


The tram which goes on streets and smaller suburbs. Its the slowest type of train and its a local train


The fast commuter train which goes out of Stockholm. The train is used in town and outside town. 


Light rail train which goes to multiple  suburbs in the Nacka muncipiality.  Right now it is not in use because they are expanding with new stations.


Light rail which goes to suburbs in northern Stockholm.