Opinion piece

Right now, a transformation is taking place from fossil energy to more sustainable and greener energy, such as oil and coal being replaced by wind power and hydroelectric. This is happening right now because fossil fuels release enormous amounts of carbon dioxide, which contributes to global climate. If we wish to have a brighter and greener future for future generations, we must make a drastic change in the way we consume and manage energy. We must become more sustainable in many ways, especially when it comes to energy. 

So, it is in our own interest to focus more on sustainable energy. The energy resources we use right now will lead to increased global disasters as well as at home here in Sweden. Increased wildfires, rising temperatures, and falling groundwater levels in the summer are just a few things that could hit us in the near future if we don't make a change immediately, and the fact that we don't work more with sustainable energy only accelerates these negative changes. Access to energy for the public to improve their lives and get out of possible poverty, and above all for our future, this energy needs to be renewable, this is a fact that the majority of all scientists agree on.

So why is renewable energy nesessary? Renewable energy is necessary because it’s not only more effective than some fossil fuels (not all, but some). It’s definitely better for energy consumption because people can have solar cells on their roofs and produce their own energy which you can not do with fossil fuels.

To slow down and prevent global warming as well as natural disasters, it’s important to change the way we use and produce energy, we have to make it sustainable. When we burn fossil fuels, carbon is being released into the air hence making the climate warmer each year. Because of this, in the summer there is an increased chance of wildfires spreading which releases even more carbon into the atmosphere, creating a spiraling effect that will eventually make certain places on earth completely inhabitable. This is caused by a lot of contributing factors, but a big part of why things are turning for the worst is because we are producing and using energy in a way that does not benefit us in the long run. Private citizens putting up their own solar cells is something to be encouraged, it’s a good source of energy, it’s sustainable and it’s a good way to get some extra electricity, however, it’s quite expensive to do so in today’s world and very few can afford it. However, in Nacka Municipality the prices are being lowered to make this possible, to make it possible for the citizens to produce their own sustainable energy. This has to happen on a global scale, we are one step closer to a greener and more sustainable future if more people can afford their own ways of producing energy.

By increasing our interest in renewable energy we will be able to reduce global warming and natural catastrophes all over the world as well as here in sweden. If we don’t work fast we are going to experience a lot of negative consequences. But by introducing more renewable energy all over the world like solar energy we are going to reach our goal. It’s also going to be good for the general energy consumption because people are going to be able to have their own solar cells. This is going to reduce carbon emissions and slow down the global warming.