5. Examples of orthogonal and ergodic decomposition of unital completely positive maps (w/ A. Bhattacharya), in preparation

4. Ergodic decomposition in the space of unital completely positive maps (w/ A. Bhattacharya), preprint, arXiv:2308.13771 [math.OA], 25p.

3. Decomposable weak expectations (w/ A. Bhattacharya), preprint, arXiv:2211.10220 [math.OA], 21p.

2. Generalized orthogonal measures on the space of unital completely positive maps (w/ A. Bhattacharya), Forum Math.

1. Barycentric decompositions in the space of weak expectations (w/ A. Bhattacharya) Adv. Oper. Theory 8 (2023) , no. 4, paper no. 59