
FAV Resources

Interview Related:

Resume Related:

  • Harvard Extension School Resume and Cover Letter Resource

    • Resume Recommendations:

      • Do not list school first - even if you go to Harvard ;)

      • List the following:

        • Work Experience

        • Selected Presentations/Community Contributions

        • Education

        • Certifications

        • Skills

      • Also, please do not put your address on your resume for safety reasons.

        • If you have concerns, include a Google Voice number instead of your cell phone.

Splunk Resources:

Study Group

UpComing Workshops


Python Dev & Apis with Nina Zakharenko-1/2019

Interested in learning about how to interact with the web using Python? This interactive and hands on tutorial will cover the basics of interacting with APIs and the web in Python3 using the popular requests library. You’ll learn how to format HTTP requests, decipher different HTTP status codes, and deal with the common formats of the web like JSON. Once we’ve covered the basics, you'll learn about more complicated topics like cookies and authentication. We’ll learn about Python development with the Visual Studio Code editor, and how it can help you develop and debug Python applications.
Prerequisites:* Python3 Installed* Visual Studio Code Installed* (Optional) install the requests library. If you don’t know how, I’ll cover the topic in the first few minutes of the session.
Additional Resources:
Bio Nina Zakharenko is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, focusing on Python. Before joining Microsoft, she was a Senior Software Engineer with over a decade of experience writing software for companies like Reddit, Meetup, and HBO. In her spare time, she enjoys snowboarding, hiking, and tinkering with wearable electronics from her home base in Portland, OR.

DEFCON25 Practical Malware Analysis CTF Workshop with Sam Bowne-1/2019

DEFCON25 Practical Malware Analysis CTF Workshop offered exclusively for Women in Infosec!Learn how to analyze malware, including computer viruses,Trojans, and rootkits, using disassemblers, debuggers, static and dynamic analysis, using IDA Pro, OllyDbg and other tools.Familiarity with programming in C and assembler is helpful but not necessary. Even if you are a beginner you can learn a ton! All the projects run on a single Windows Server 2008 machine. You can run it locally on VMware or VirtualBox.Materials available to set up prior to the event at This CTF is intended for women only.

Zoom Meeting Provided by Brakeing Down Security Podcast @BrakeSec

BioSam Bowne has been teaching computer networking and security classes at CCSF since 2000. He has given talks and hands-on trainings at DEFCON, HOPE, B-Sides SF, B-Sides LV, BayThreat, LayerOne, Toorcon, and many other schools and conferences. He has a B.S. in Physics from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Physics from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Threat Hunting with Splunk Workshop by John Stoner & Ryan Kovar- 12/2018

Topics & Helpful Links for the hunts covered and may be a helpful reference for future hunts. Provided compliments of John Stoner & Ryan Kovar!Threat Hunting with Splunk Bibliography Handout
Do you want to learn how to hunt APTs? This is the workshop for you. Using a real-worldish dataset, this workshop will teach you how to hunt the "fictional" APT group Taedonggang. We discuss the Diamond model, hypothesis building, LM Kill Chain, and MITRE ATT&CK framework and how these concepts can frame your hunting. Then we look deep in the data using Splunk and OSINT to find the APT activity riddling a small startup's network. We walk you through detecting lateral movement, the P of APT, and even PowerShell Empire. Threat Hunting Requirements:A working knowledge of basic Splunk search functionality is requiredGeneral security experienceRegistration is required due to space limitationPlease register with an email that you will be able to access day of eventLaptops will not be provided, you must have a laptop computer equipped with WIFI and running a modern web browser like Chrome (preferred), Firefox, or Safari. This event is highly dependent on access to the Internet. If you would like to learn Splunk Fundamentals, please see the free training provided by Splunk: you would like to brush up on your Splunk investigation skills, please see the Hunting with Splunk blog series:
Instructors:Ryan Kovar fought in the cyberwars and has been doing cybery things for almost 20 years. Now he is a Principal Security Strategist at Splunk building cool stuff, talking about security thingies, and helping other people fight their battles. He hates printers.John Stoner is a Principal Security Strategist at Splunk. During his career he has worked in operations, consulting and solutions engineering. In his current role, he leverages his many years of experience in log management, SIEM, security operations and threat intelligence to provide solutions that drive greater situational awareness for organizations.

Survival Splunk by Ch33r10-11/2018

Ch33r10's Survival Splunk HandoutDon’t get left behind! Get the most out of the Threat Hunting with Splunk workshop on Dec 17, 2018 with some Survival Splunk basics. Learn and start practicing the basic skills you will need during the workshop. This is by no means an exhaustive survey of Splunk, but rather a down-n-dirty, meat-n-taters intro to Splunk. Minimal set up required.
Instructions for set up here: