Psyche a mystery of archetypal forces, 

patterns within and without us!

"THE NATURE OF THE PSYCHE REACHES INTO OBSCURITIES FAR BEYOND THE SCOPE OF OUR UNDERSTANDING. It contains as many riddles as the universe with its galactic systems, before whose majestic configurations only a mind lacking in imagination can fail to admit its own insufficiency. This extreme uncertainty of human comprehension makes the intellectualistic hubbub not only ridiculous, but also deplorably dull." ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 815
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True life, an apparition

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LIFE LIVES ON ITS HIDDEN 'RHIZONE': “Life has always seemed to me like a plant  that lives on its rhizome. 
It's true life is invisible, hidden in the rhizome. The part that appears  above ground lasts only a single summer. Then it withers away – an ephemeral apparition.  When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations, we cannot escape  the impression of absolute nullity. Yet I have never lost a sense of something that lives and  endures underneath the eternal flux.  – from Prologue, Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung

CARL JUNG: True self

The Self: center of the psyche (transcending ego), a multiplicity of archetypal factors .
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Nature of evil

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Everything is energy

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Reality only within

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Pure vibratory energy

Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.

At the most fundamental level, the universe

and everything which comprises it is pure 

vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways.

The Universe has no "solidity," as such. 

Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration.

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Souls in biochemcical garments

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Psyche: greatest cosmic wonder

"The thousandfold magnifications made possible by the electron microscope vie

with the five hundred million light-year distances which the telescope travels.

Psychology is still a long way from a development similar to that

which the other natural sciences have undergone...

All the same, every science is a function of the psyche,

and all knowledge is rooted in it.

The psyche is the greatest of all cosmic wonders and the sine qua non of the world

as an object. It is in the highest degree odd that Western man,  with but very few—

and ever fewer exceptions, apparently pays so little regard to this fact.

Swamped by the knowledge of external objects, the subject of all knowledge has been

temporarily eclipsed to the point of seeming nonexistence."  ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 357

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Psyche created the universe

Universe is made of three things: the material, space and energy (or wave).

At the big bang, these three came into existence simultaneously. So the source

from which material, space and energy came, is only one.

Now the biggest mystery that scientists are solving is

to know about this source. But the law of science has a limitation

that it does not consider matter, space and energy as one identity.

Because these three look different in our perception for eg: ice water

and steam, looks just opposite to each other in our every perception like

they have different temperatures, shapes, sizes, sounds etc.

But in reality three are exactly the same thing, the only difference

they have is in our sense of perception of them. Now, the single source

from which matter, space and energy came, may actually be our consciousness.

For instance, the dream universe experiences matter , space and energy.

These three are created by consciousness only. So if consciousness

can create matter, space and energy for a dream universe

then why can't it create those same entities for the waking universe?

-- Sanjay Singh

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There is no matter as such!

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In 1931, the father of quantum mechanics, Max Planck (above), said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.”


EGO PURSUES CONTROL, creates subordination, while TRUE SELF SEEKS DESIGN, a path -- learning and understanding -- turning purpose into accountability, power into service.
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"Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide." -- Carl G. Jung
Although the opposites are manifested in individuals, they are not balanced and void.
The individual’s task is to pursue his own distinctness, and this involves him in distinguishing himself from the opposites. -- Carl G. Jung
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We perceive psychic images

Enclosed in psychic 

"... MAN IN MY VIEW IS ENCLOSED IN THE PSYCHE (not in his psyche). Could you name me any idea that is not psychic? Can man adopt any standpoint outside the psyche? He may assert that he can, but the assertion does not create a point outside, and were he there he would have no psyche. Everything that touches us and that we touch is a reflection, therefore psychic."  -- Carl Jung letter to Joseph Goldbrunner, May 14, 1950 
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The psyche without is balanced; the psyche within is not!

THE OPPOSITES ARE CONTAINED IN THE PLEROMA, BUT BECAUSE THEY ARE EQUALLY BALANCED, THEY ARE VOID. Although the opposites are manifested in individuals, they are not balanced and void. The individual’s task is to pursue his own distinctness, and this involves him in distinguishing himself from the opposites." -- Carl G. Jung
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True life invisible, an ephemeral apparition, 

ending under the eternal flux.

LIFE LIVES ON ITS HIDDEN 'RHIZONE': “Life has always seemed to me like a plant  that lives on its rhizome. It's true life is invisible, hidden in the rhizome. The part that appears  above ground lasts only a single summer. Then it withers away – an ephemeral apparition.  When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations, we cannot escape  the impression of absolute nullity. Yet I have never lost a sense of something that lives and  endures underneath the eternal flux.  – from Prologue, Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung 
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Beyond controling ego is a true, meaningful self.

"WHERE LOVE RULES, THERE IS NO WILL TO POWER; and where power redominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." — Carl Jung from The Psychology of the Unconscious
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and you will call it fate.”

-- Carl Jung

All that's perceived are psychic images!

"… ABSURD PREJUDICE TO SUPPOSE THAT EXISTENCE CAN ONLY BE PHYSICAL. As a matter of fact, the only form of existence of which we have immediate knowledge is psychic [i.e., in the mind]. We might as well say, on the contrary, that physical existence is a mere inference, since we know of matter only in so far as we perceive psychic images mediated by the senses." - Carl Jung
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Psyche a mystery of archetypal forces/ patters within and without us!

"THE NATURE OF THE PSYCHE REACHES INTO OBSCURITIES FAR BEYOND THE SCOPE OF OUR UNDERSTANDING. It contains as many riddles as the universe with its galactic systems, before whose majestic configurations only a mind lacking in imagination can fail to admit its own insufficiency. This extreme uncertainty of human comprehension makes the intellectualistic hubbub not only ridiculous, but also deplorably dull." ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 815
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The numinious within / without everyone... 

as a sliver of the divine.

IF GOD’S CONSCIOUSNESS IS CLEARER THAN MAN’S, then the Creation has no meaning and man no raison d’etre." --C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Volume II, Page 117. 

Trust that which gives you purpose...

UNTIL YOU MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUSit will direct your life and you will call it fate.” -- Carl Jung 
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The one who dwells within has no knowable boundries!

"EVEN THE ENLIGHTEN PERSON REMAINS WHAT HE IS, and is never more than his own limited ego before the ONE who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky." - Carl Jung
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Facebook post: QUANTUM MECHANICS has demonstrated everything is simultaneous particles when measured or observed, and waves (of probability), when unobserved. However, our observation is limited by the psyche to just four dimensions. Nothing beyond that. ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY tells us there is a collective unconscious beyond four dimensions and part of our personal psyche, affecting us, or call it a collective psyche, or a life force, or the numinous, or possibly purpose, or "God", if you will, which creates and potentially directs the material by its simple cognizance, which most necessarily must have been present (to form the material) before the waves of The Big Bang. 

Thumbnail: Quantum physics demonstrates that consciousness creates the material and must precede it from the beginning of time.


“Today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups... So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

― Philip K. Dick

"The tragedy is simply this: that new meanings can only come from the creative depths of the life force within each individual; but the individual is the last one who believes in his right to develop unique meanings. He takes everything he needs uncritically from the society at large. As a result, man's meanings, instead of being free and open, are in fact 'instinctivized'--hardened into the mold of a standard social pattern."

— Ernest Becker


SCIENCE HAS THE ANSWER. Quantum mechanics has shown everything is simultaneous particles, when measured or observed, and waves (of probability), when unobserved. 
However, our observation is limited by the psyche to just four dimensions. Nothing beyond that.
CONSCIOUSNESS: Paraphrasing Sanjay Singh, the physical universe is made of three things: the material, space, and energy (or wave), defined (& created from the start) by consciousness, the numinous*. Wile the material, space, and energy appear opposite, they are one identity from a single source, much like ice, water, and steam are opposites, while all the same thing. If consciousness can create matter, space and energy for a dream universe then why can't it create those same entities for the waking universe?
ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY tells us there is a collective unconscious beyond our personal psyche and the four dimensions, affecting us, or called a collective psyche, or a life force, or the numinous*, or even purpose, or "God", if you will, which creates and directs the material by simple cognizance present since the waves of The Big Bang.
THERE IS A COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS as well, called "Entanglement": This is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more objects, photons, electrons, etc., become entangled, remaining connected in such a way that they can be thought of as a single system. What affects one affects the other, even if they are separated by vast distances. Everything is entangled to one degree or another, weak or strong and in between, right from the start at the big bang.
THERE IS PURPOSE: Everything is made aware through the psyche. Our psyche, of course, is limited to four dimensions, whereas the collective unconscious, psychology says, the numinous*, is not, acting independently from us, but on us, even within us, affecting, guiding, and directing us through individual patterns of behavior. In other words, there is "purpose" of different orders in the universe within (probably creating collectively what is) without us. Still, our limitations boxed within four dimensions will never allow us to know or understand it entirely. That’s science.
* DEFINING NUMINOUS: The numinous is the bearings of history (best expressed in myth), nature, and human nature, which are all expressions of archetypal patterns of being, direction, and purpose. It is the closest to God that can be achieve and/or understood.
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