"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light

in the darkness of mere being. Everything that irritates us about others

can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." -- Carl Jung

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Always Reading...

42 easy reading books on / by / related to Jung...

8 Bios 


Illustrated biography that chronicles Jung's journey of self-discovery from a childhood filled with visions both terrifying and profound, through his early professional success, to his rediscovery of spirituality in mid-life. The words of Jung himself and those who shared his work and private life are shared verbatim, connected by lively commentary. Jung emerges as a healer whose skills arose from having first attended to the wounds in his own soul.


5 Basics 

 Jung/ A Graphic Guide by Maggie Hyde (GoodReads)                  


  Jung - The Key Ideas by Ruth Snowden (GoodReads                       


5 Analysis 


8 Works 


is Carl Jung's autobiography, but it has little to do with his career, family, acquaintances, etc., but, instead, deals entirely with the growth and development of his mind, primarily through dreams, “active imagination”, travels, etc. The book is written for the general public and it is the best introduction to Jung's writings which are often complex and extremely difficult concepts to fully comprehend. It was completed when Jung was 81; it was recorded and edited by an associate, Aniela Jaffé. Goodreads: Forum / about Jung / Quotes / Books


Mythology & Jungian analysis...

17 Studies

MEANING OF  MYTH: As  the ego looks in the direction of the Self, the transpersonal center of the   psyche (transcending the individual), it tends to experience the Self not as a unity   (at least not at first) but as a multiplicity of archetypal factors that one can think of   as being represented by mythological gods.

The gods can be seen to stand for the archetypes, the basic patterns within the   human psyche that exist independent of personal experience. We all have all of them present, and it is in our best interest to honor all of them at appropriate times and in any given situation because without this balance we run the risk of over identification with one element and thereby do violence to all the others. In turn, this sort of extremism throws our psyche out of whack, and we can only see one facet of ourselves and the world.)

