Organizing Committee
Organized by the members of the Research project Argument Structure and Neurolinguistic Processing at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface: Unergative Verbs with Cognate Object or Obligatory Prepositional Object of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2016-80142-P)
Isabel Oltra-Massuet (URV)
Linnaea Stockall (QMUL)
Alec Marantz (NeLLab-NYU/NYUAD)
Jordi Ginebra (URV)
Andreu Castell (URV)
Anna Maria Montserrat (URV)
Elga Cremades (Mazarykova Univerzita)
With the help of the other members of the CGG28 Organizing Committee
Maria Bargalló (URV)
Maria Dolores Jiménez López (URV)
Kai Voltmer (URV)
Olga Galofré (URV)
Support to the Organization:
Noèlia Benaiges Lluís
Antoni Brosa Rodríguez
Georgina Carmona Estirado
Víctor Insausti Arànega
Daria Kazachkova
Paula March Miravete
Elizaveta Tiavina
Adrià Torrens Urrutia
Ana Maria Torres Pérez