A public survey of 250 hours with the Very Large Telescope (ESO programme 106.20Z8) to target T-Tauri stars contemporaneously to HST - TALK AT CS20.5 presenting the survey: LINK YOUTUBE

We aim to understand the evolution of young stars and their protoplanetary disks by constraining the interplay of accretion and ejection of material during the evolution of disks. Critical to correctly describe the conditions of planet formation, these processes are best probed spectroscopically. HST will devote 500 orbits in 2020-2022 to the ULLYSES public survey of 82 low-mass (M ≤ 2Msun) young (age<10 Myr) stars at UV wavelengths. We, as part of the ODYSSEUS collaboration, aim at creating an unprecedented dataset with contemporaneous ESPRESSO/UVES spectra to spectrally resolve the kinematics of emission lines, and X-Shooter flux-calibrated spectra to derive extinction, stellar properties, and the fundamental parameters that HST cannot provide.


December 2021: NEW DATA are being obtained for the monitoring targets and for the Taurus targets observed in the past with HST. At the same time, the ZENODO library now includes the fully reduced data for the observations of targets in Lupus and Chamaeleon taken in May-August 2021 (see https://zenodo.org/communities/odysseus/).

September 2021: NEW DATA have been obtained with CRIRES+ (Science Verification run) for BP Tau and GM Aur. These are two of the monitoring targets from ULLYSES/PENELLOPE. Data and more information are available here: CRIRES SV

September 2021: PAPER II. CVSO 104: a pre-main sequence close binary with an optical companion in Ori OB1 by Frasca, Boffin, Manara et al. is accepted on A&A!

Summer 2021: data for the monitoring targets RU Lup and BP Tau have been taken, together with some additional survey targets!

August 2021: paper by Cambell-White, Sicilia Aguilar, Manara et al. based (also) on PENELLOPE data is accepted! More info: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.507.3331C/abstract

April 2021: the observing campaign of TW Hya (monitoring target) is ongoing. Data reduction in progress....

March, 22nd 2021: PAPER I. Survey presentation and accretion properties of Orion OB1 and σ-Orionis is accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysics

March, 12th 2021: The talk on the program given at Cool Stars 20.5 is now available on YouTube: LINK

February, 23rd 2021: Paper I presenting the survey and the first results is now submitted, and will be presented at Cool Stars 20.5, on March, 2nd at 20:00 CET!

The next observing run will take place in March, and it will be focused on one individual target, TW Hya!

January, 27th 2021: With a little bit of delay, due to the pandemic and to the need to develop new tools (e.g., the molecfit workflow for ESPRESSO), the data reduction is now finally completed!

The data are also being uploaded to Zenodo:

X-Shooter data: https://zenodo.org/record/4477091#.YBMOdpNKjlx

UVES data: https://zenodo.org/record/4478360#.YBPQRJNKhTY

ESPRESSO data: https://zenodo.org/record/4478376#.YBPQWpNKhTY

A paper presenting the survey and the first results is in preparation, together with other works on specific targets. Stay tuned!

December 2nd 2020: Data are coming in, we are reducing them and starting to give a first look. The data are definitely of great quality, and the observations are being taken within a few hours form the HST ones, as hoped. We are going to provide a Zenodo link where the reduced data can be downloaded.

As a sneak preview, here a plot of the Halpha line for CVSO176, observed with VLT/UVES in three consecutive nights, and showing some interesting variability in the red wing of the line!

November 24th 2020: First data are expected to be taken this week. The raw data will be public immediately. Information on where to download the reduced data will be available in the coming weeks.

From https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/teles-alloc/lp/abstracts_lp106.html, the abstract of the approved proposal:

The targets will be distributed in Age, stellar mass, and mass accretion rates

The science that will be done: