
Table with stellar and disk parameters for young stellar objects

For our Protostars & Planets VII chapter (ADS link ) we collected available data from spectroscopic surveys and ALMA surveys of targets in nearby star-forming regions (d<300 pc). You can find the table here:

Reduced and calibrated (SCIENCE READY) spectra of young stellar objects

The ESO/VLT Large Program PENELLOPE I am leading will provide science ready data through Zenodo:
For information on the data reduction see:
Manara et al. 2021

I have collected a large sample of photospheric templates of young stars observed with the VLT/X-Shooter spectrograph. The data are available at:

With my colleagues, we also observed several accreting young stellar objects. You can find some data on CDS:

Many more spectra are available and are in my hard disks/laptop. Just send me an email and I would be happy to share!

Please use these data, and feel free to contact me for any question!!!

Stellar and accretion properties of young stellar objects from broad-band spectra (e.g., VLT/X-Shooter)

I developed an automatic procedure to determine self-consistently stellar and accretion properties of young stellar objects from broad-band, medium-resolution spectra obtained with the VLT/X-Shooter spectrograph. The analysis is based on a multicomponent fit that includes the photospheric emission using a set of photospheric templates (Manara et al. 2013a and Manara et al. 2017a), the effect of reddening, and the continuum excess due to accretion modelled with a set of isothermal slab models. This procedure allows us to resolve degeneracies between various parameters, such as extinction and accretion excess, to determine the real properties of the targets. The method is described in Manara et al. 2013b.

This whole procedure is based on Python scripts, but these scripts are really not user-friendly. I am very much happy to help people in the analysis of their spectra, but the tool is not publicly available (yet?). Please contact me if you are interested in using it!!!!

Final note: the tool has been tested on lower resolution spectra covering from ~340 nm to ~800 nm and it works well (see for example Giannini et al. 2017, where we used LBT/MODS spectra). Thus, please contact me even if you have spectra of accreting young stars taken not with X-Shooter but with broad wavelength coverage spectra!