Vienna Language and Mind Group

The Vienna Language and Mind (VLM) group is an informal collaboration between the philosophy departments at the Central European University (CEU) and the University of Vienna (UniVie). VLM is also part of the Philosophy of Language and Mind (PLM) Network in Europe. 

During the (common) semester dates, we organize meetings in Vienna for discussion on a topic/paper presented by a faculty member or researcher from CEU or UniVie. Meetings are divided into two sessions every year—Session A extends from October to January and Session B from March to June. The meetings are meant to be attended by philosophers normally resident in Vienna.

Apart from regular VLM meetings, we organize invited talks by speakers from outside Vienna.


To subscribe to the VLM mailing list or for more information, contact Yannic at

Session B—2022-23 (March-June)

The group will meet on Fridays (13:15–14:45 hrs.) on the below dates:

Session A—2022-23 (October-January)

The group will meet on Fridays (13:15–14:45 hrs.) on the below dates:

Past meetings of the group have included the following talks:

Session B—2021-22 (March-June)

Session A—2021-22 (October-January)

Session B — 2021 (March-June):

Session A — 2020-21 (October-January):

The group also discussed Mark Sainsbury's "Thinking about things" in its meetings every alternate Thursday.