
Automotive Advanced Material Science

(2024 fall, International master’s program in automotive science,  Graduate school of integrated frontier sciences)

Date: 13:00-16:20, 11/ 21 (Thu)

Place: Room 106 in I2CNER-1

11/18 Fundamental of defect chemistry in ceramics for advanced energy materials


(2024年度, 工学府応用化学専攻)

Date: 16:20-18:10, 10/ 31 (Thu)

Place: Online



(2024年度夏, 統合新領域学府オートモーティブサイエンス専攻)

Date: 8:45-18:10, 8/ 9 (Fri)

Place: 総合学習プラザ207(AMS講義室1)


(2024年度夏, 統合新領域学府オートモーティブサイエンス専攻)

Date: 金曜414:50-16:20, 7/ 12 ~ 7/ 26

Place: 総合学習プラザ207(AMS講義室1)

7/12 燃料電池の基礎 7/19 高分子電解質型燃料電池の材料科学7/26 固体酸化物形燃料電池材料科学

Automotive Advanced Science 

(2024 spring, International master’s program in automotive science,  Graduate school of integrated frontier sciences)

Date: 13:00-14:30, May 23 ~ June 27 (Thursday)

Place: Room 106 in I2CNER 1

5/23 Background and fundamentals of fuel cells5/30 Electrochemistry for fuel cells6/13 Materials for fuel cells 16/20 Materials for fuel cells 26/27 State-of-the-art fuel cells