Ongoing Projects (working titles)

An Economic Theory of the Evolution of the States System, and Evidence for Europe 1000-1800  with Lazzaroni, Prarolo and Vanin

Market Integration and Urban Europe, 1100-1800 A.D. with Lanzara and Lehner

Bite and Divide: The Epidemiological Roots of Ethnolinguistic Diversity with Chiovelli and Esposito

Decomposing Economic Development: How Accumulation Shapes the Past, Present, and Future with Meyerheim and Sunde

Roots of Republicanism and Preferences over Democratic Institutions, with Plevani and Lazzaroni

Republic of Letters and Postal Network in Early Modern England and Wales, with Lazzaroni, Marciante and Masella

Transition from Stagnation to Growth: Democratization and the Demographic Transition with Meyerheim and Sunde

``Separated Under the Same Roof'': Political Fragmentation and Fiscal Policies, with Gulino and Roberti

On the Emergence and Economic Role of Religious Norms: A Simple Theory with an Empirical Application to the Protestant Reformation with Sunde