
What is CertiPUR-US Certified Foam?

Are you planning to buy a new foam for your mattress or furniture? If yes, then you should look for a CertiPUR certified foam. It will give you a guarantee that the foam you are going to buy is made from high quality materials. Not all foams in the market are created equal. As a matter of fact, some don’t give value to your money. Some are made from low quality polyurethane foams, which can be pretty unhealthy. Such chemical emits harsh volatile organic compounds (VOCS) or commonly known as chemical fumes. Low quality foams have nasty side effects. If you want to sleep comfortably and soundly at night, then choose a CertiPUR-US certified foam. It is a guarantee that the product is of high quality and meets the safety manufacturing standards.

CertiPUR Polyurethane Foam Association

CertiPUR-US is formed by the Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA). The members of the organizations are foam fabricators and chemical companies. Once a foam brand is certified by CertiPUR-US, it guarantees that the foam is durable, safe from harmful chemicals, and flexible PUR foam. It certifies the foams used for mattresses and furniture for the American market. CertiPUR-US primarily focuses on quality and safety of polyurethane foams.

CertiPUR Testing

CertiPUR-US tests the foams for harmful emissions, durability, and content, which primarily focuses on phthalates, ozone depleters, VOCs, toxic metals, methylene chloride, formaldehyde, and PBDEs. It is a voluntary standard to make sure the safety, health, and environmental performance of polyurethane foams primarily used for mattresses and upholstered furniture. It takes into consideration the scientific studies and existing standards related to product criteria, foam emission, and risk assessment. If the foam brand is CertiPUR-US certified, it means that its product has undergone a vigorous and complex regulated process conducted by independent laboratory. Hence, the foam brand is considered healthy and worth your money.

So, the next time you are going to buy foam, make sure you look for CertiPUR-US certified brand. Do not just base your choice on the price. A lot of people think that by choosing cheaply priced foam, they will be able to save money. Later on, they realized that the foam is not durable and does not give them the comfort they need. People with weak immune system may also experience allergic reaction, asthma attack, and other forms of respiratory illnesses and skin diseases. Spend your money wisely on high quality foams. Always look for CertiPUR-US certified brand; a label of quality and safety.
