
Michael Crowell, Executive Director, has been involved with the polyurethane industry for nearly four decades. Contact Mike about anything related to the CertiPUR-US program, but especially for questions related to technical issues and registration procedures.


Phone: 828.552.5400

Fax: 248.659.1531

CertiPUR is the Safe Mattress for the Whole Family

Not all mattresses are created equal. Some are made from safe materials while others have harmful chemicals, which is quite difficult to identify by typical consumers. If you are concerned about harmful chemicals in your mattress, then you have to choose a mattress that is made from CertiPUR-US certified foams. It gives you a guarantee that the product is safe, durable, and health and environment-friendly.

CertiPur High Standards of Excellence

CertiPUR-US sets the standards for safe and high quality polyurethane foams. Foam manufacturers are highly encouraged to submit their foam product for further testing and analysis to make sure that it passes the standards set for the American market. There are various foam testing certifications out there, but CertiPUR-US is one of the most trusted and most sought after certification programs for foam products.

CertiPUR-US applies to flexible polyurethane foams. You can see this foams in mattresses, couch, sofa, and household upholsteries. For the foam to be CertiPUR-US certified, it should be submitted for a series of testing and analysis which will be carried out by independent, accredited laboratories. There are rigorous criteria that should be met, which include the following:

• The foam should be free from substances that can harm the ozone layer or tagged as ozone depleters.

• The foam should not have prohibited substances like formaldehyde, flame retardants, and heavy metals like lead and mercury.

• An emission test should be made. For the foam to pass the test, it should have a very low volatile organic compounds emission to improve the quality of indoor air. Foams that emit high volatile organic compounds are prone to off gassing, which can be very harmful to your health and environment.

CertiPUR Luxury Mattresses

CertiPUR-US certified foams are costlier than inferior foams. The price ranges from hundred dollars to thousands. Some can go higher, especially for luxury mattresses. Consumers are smarter today than before. They don’t just base their choice on the price alone. They make sure that all important factors are taken into consideration for them to come up with smart buying decision. Many consumers don’t mind the price as long as they get the value for their hard-earned money.

CertiPUR-US certified foams are well worth the investment. When you shop for mattresses, make sure you look for the CertiPUR-US certified foam seal as it guarantees durability, safety, and great comfort. Don’t settle for inferior mattresses. You and your family deserve only the best. Always choose CertiPUR-US certified foam products.