About Certi4Headmasters
"CERTI4Headmasters" is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for school education project.
This project is coordinated by Teach for Belgium (www.teachforbelgium.org). It has started 1st of Sep. and will last for 18 months.
This project will gather partners from Belgium, Germany, Slovakia and Switzerland. Its main objective is the exchange of good practices.
Exchanges of experiences and practices between headmasters on recruiting, selecting and supporting new teachers, and on how to adapt the way they manage the school to give new teachers enough room for professional development are the project's main activities.
The project objectives are :
1. Facilitate exchange of experience between headmaster facing similar challenges in different countries
2. Map existing headmasters training programme in participating countries
3. Identify competencies and determine they can be learnt through training or alternative methods
4. Facilitate peer-learning based on a benchmark of headmasters programmes in participating countries
5. Develop a first version of a European school headmaster competence matrix
6. Identify European project ideas that could help define a European director competence matrix and a European school director certification
7. Review the European tutor competence matrix that has been defined in the CERTITUDE project and identify the need for certification tailored to school tutors and "Teach for All" for all tutors.
Especially objectives 3, 5 and 6 (definition of European Headmaster competence matrix facilitating the development of an eventual European certification) appear as a clear need and are the core of this project.