
Workshops are for Men or Women, Fathers or Mothers, children, siblings, friends, cousins or anyone whom supports the family model.

*Fatherhood Is Sacred® & Motherhood Is Sacred™ is a, 12 session, learning environment designed specifically to lay a strong foundation to build parents and families with a greater sense of direction and purpose in responsibly caring for their families.

Overall, participants were overwhelmingly positive and pleased with the Fatherhood/Motherhood Is Sacred program as indicated by 71.3 % of the participants rating that they were “Extremely Satisfied" with the program.

75-79 % of participants “Strongly Agreed" with the following statements about the program:

• Builds character and integrity.

• Develops skills to be responsible and nurturing fathers/mothers.

• Strengthens identity through understanding Native American Heritage.

• Builds confidence as a father/mother.

• Was useful in everyday parenting.

• Provides a positive support group of other men/women.

• Improved support, motivation, involvement and level of contact with children.

• Increased sound knowledge about being a good parent/role model.

• Increased understanding of the needs of children for love and security.

• Increased confidence in my actions as a parent/role model.

• Increased closeness of relationship with children.

• Improved the skills required to be a good parent.

• Changed my behavior toward becoming a better parent/role model.

• Provided a sense of hope for children and their future.

*“The Addressing Family Violence and Abuse, 14 session learning environment, promote the safety and welfare of all family members. Abuse and violence are behaviors that are intended to attempt to maintain power and control over another. This form of oppression involves inappropriate and unfair acts of one over another. It is a forced process of submission of authority to bring someone under their control. Their power lies in the submission.

Too often people think abuse and violence involves only acts of a physical nature. Unfortunately it includes emotional, verbal, or sexual acts. This abusive behavior is destructive to the body, mind and spirit and directly affects one’s self- worth and personal independence. In reality, long after any physical injury heals, emotional injury may still be present. When abuse and violence happens between family members, it surrounds and greatly impacts the entire family. This is not limited to only parents but includes siblings, children, the elderly, and disabled.

*Certified trainer provided at no additional cost.

Approved AHCCCS members may have $0 copay. Copays vary per insurance plan.


1 Corinthians 12:25-27