501c3 public charity non profit organization. Our goal it to aid in healing the planet by using whole systems thinking through permaculture design of sustainable models for a world changing at a hyper accelerated rate. As part of our mission we experiment with innovative technologies, as well as, reflect upon the successes of the past to develop natural energy, alternative construction, resource and wildlife conservation, waste disposal and agricultural systems.
At a time of rapidly accumulating industrialization and in the face of inevitable growth on a global scale, we seek to preserve the natural balance by investigating ourselves, our technologies and our environment in order to creatively demonstrate a living example of regenerative design and sustainability. By accomplishing this we illustrate and define our important connection to the planet while extending this knowledge and understanding to the people of the world.
ICS, Inc. currently works through facilities in (Costa Rica, Belize, New Mexico, Walterboro and Edisto Island, South Carolina) and projects located in areas of South Carolina.
CR-ICS is located on the tip of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Central America.
Situated next to Cabo Blanco National Park, the first natural reserve established in Costa Rica, provides a unique perspective.
CR-ICS is a 111 acre jewel that includes diverse landscapes, panoramic Pacific Ocean views, two major rivers (Rio Lajas & Rio Enmedio) with amazing waterfalls, forests and vast populations of wildlife.
Centrally located between tourist destinations of Montezuma, Cabuya, Mal Pais and Santa Theresa - this biological preserve provides a needed respite from the hustle of developing regions.
Our objective is to disseminate useful information through partnerships and collaboration on a personal, local and global range.
Intro to Permaculture
Permaculture Design Course (PDC)
Intro to Natural Building
Adobe, Cob, Rammed earth, Earth sacks, Straw bale, Ferro-cement, Papercrete, Waddle & Daub, Bamboo, Cordwood, Timber frame construction methods
Earth Shelters with Living Roofs
Land Preservation
Organic Gardening Techniques and Importance of Soil Health
Environmental Education
Solar ovens, Solar water heaters, mud stoves
Natural Landscape Design
Animal Husbandry
Integrated Regenerative Farming
Water harvesting
Simple Living
Electricity- Solar, Wind, Biomass, Water & Waste
Biogas Digesters & Composting
Tai Chi & Yoga
Men’s Groups
Women’s Groups
Music, Movies, Arts & Crafts
Cultural Immersion & Indigenous Cultures
Massage & Relaxation
Ornithology & Wildlife Observation
Starting a Micro-business
Pre-cycling, Recycling, Repurposing, Reinventing
Silent Walking
Survival Training
Aromatherapy – exploration through the senses
Medicinal and Useful Plants
Forest Gardens
Shamanism, Mysticism and Meditation
Cross Fitness training
Horseback riding
Nutritional Cleansing and Detoxification
Passive Solar Design
Food security & Food storage
Coaching & Consulting