
Cement, mortar and concrete equipments 


Vibratory mill (Retsch, model MM200)

Grinding jars and balls of zircon 

Planetary mill (Fritsch, model Pulverisette 7)

Grinding jars and balls both of zircon and agathe

Micronizing mill (McCrone)

PVC jar and milling tools of zircon

Attrition mill (home made)

Interior jar of PTEF and PA helix and milling tools of zircon

Micro-deval machine with a cylinder container and steel balls (Proeti)

To homogenize clinkers and cements

Ball Mill (Proeti)

To grind and homogenize clinkers and cements

Disc mill (Retsch, RS 200) 

Milling devices of 100 mL of tungsten carbide and hardened steel

To grind  clinkers and cements

Attrition mill (home made)

Interior jar and helix of PTEF

Furnaces, stoves and climate chamber


Tmax=1800 °C

HOBERSAL mod. CR-67 

Tmax=1650 °C


Tmax=1650 °C

LENTON mod. UAF 18/5

Tmax=1700 °C

Climatic Chamber (Proeti) 

To cure cement and mortar specimens (0-38°C; ~ 70% humidity)

Climatic Chamber (FDN, mod. C700BXPRO

To cure cement and mortar specimens (0º a +70ºC / 10% a 98% HR / 310 l)

Stove (Indelab, mod. LABOLAN100)

To work at a controlled temperature and with thermal cycles, (Tmax = 200°C)

Humidity Chamber (Matest) 

To initial cure cement and mortar specimens under saturated humidity (10-70 °C; 95-100% humidity)

Pastes and mortars preparation

Automatic mortar mixer (Matest, mod. E095)

To mix cements and mortars at constant speed

Helix to automatic Mortar

To prepare mortars pastes

Mechanical stirrer (IKA, mod. RW20-D) 

To prepare cement pastes

Different types of Helix

To prepare cement pastes


To remove air/bubbles in pastes

Benchtop roller (Wheaton)

To homogenise cement pastes

Gang mould (Matest) 

To prepare cement mortar prisms

Mortar bath (Proetisa)

From RT to 95ºC. Capacity: 60l

Equipements for rheological studies

Rotational viscometer (ThermoFisher Scientific Haake, mod. VT550)

To perform rheological measurements

Rheometer (Viscotester iQ AIR, ThermoFisher Scientific Haake)

To perform rheological measurements (simple viscosity curves, as well as more complex rheological investigations in rotation or oscillation) 

Miscellaneous of tools and equipements

Sieve shaker electromagnetic (Matest, mod. A059-11)

Sieves from 4 to 0.063mm

Hydraulic Press (Specac)

(maximum applied force of 250kN)

Automatic Vicat testing (Matest, mod. E044N)

To determine initial and final setting times

Thermobalance (Gibertini, mod. Eurotherm)

To determine the constant weight loss at a fixed temperature (50-100°C)

Length comparator digital (Matest)

To determination of linear shrinkage in cement mortars prisms

Blaine air permeability apparatus (Matest)

To determine the fineness of the cement

Jolting table (Matest)

To compact cement mortar prisms

Flow table (Matest)

To measure the fluency of materials

Dip coating (home made)

To prepare coatings by dipping 

Spray equipment (home made)

To prepare coatings by spraying 

Glove box (Sicco)

Glove box with transfer chamber 

Image analysis, SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope coupled with Olympus SC30 camera

Calorimetric measurements: Thermal Activity Monitor instrument with 8 channels (Tam Air, TA Instruments)

Admix device to collect the heat released from the beggining of reaction

IP-8 Ultrasonic Test System (Ultratest)

To measure the velocity of sound in the pastes/mortars

Simultaneous thermal analysis equipment, DTA-TG 

(TA Instruments SDT Q600, Tmax = 1500 °C)

Durability test

Rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) to follow ASTM C1202-12

Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration 

Rapid migration test (RMT) to follow NT BUILD 492 

Chloride migration coefficient from non-steady-state migration experiments

Sample preparation kit for RCPT and RMT

Accelerated carbonation chamber.  SERIE STD-CO2. CCI

Temperature range: 0-60ºC; RH=20-95%; CO2=0-5vol%

Key infrastructure at Central Research Services of University of Málaga

Key infrastructure at Supercomputing and Bioinnovation Center (SCBi) of the University of Malaga 

Key infrastructure with availability