
Journal Papers:

Amjadia A. S., Bilaloglu C., Turgut A. E., Na S., Sahin E., Krajnik T., Arvin F. Reinforcement Learning-based Aggregation for Robot Swarms (Submitted)

Bilaloglu C., Sahin M., Arvin F., Sahin E., Turgut A. E., Kobot CoRe – An Open Source, Extensible Common Hardware and Software Architecture for Swarm Robot Platforms (In Final Stage of Preparation)

Conference Papers:

Bilaloglu C., Sahin M., Arvin F., Sahin E., Turgut A. E. A Novel Time-of-Flight Range and Bearing Sensor System for Micro Air Vehicle Swarms

M.Sc. Thesis:

Development of an Extensible Heterogeneous Swarm Robot Platform (2022)