
Welcome to my webpage. 

I am a Research Assistant at the Idiap Research Institute, supervised by Dr. Sylvain Calinon, and a Ph.D. candidate in robotics at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. I am currently working on two Horizon Europe projects IntelliMan, and Sestosenso.

My research interests lie at the intersection of learning, control, and geometry for robotic manipulation. I develop robot control methods for exploration (i.e., interactively collecting informative data) that can be used for learning or decreasing uncertainty in dynamic environments. I focus on the spectral and geometric aspects of exploration to increase the sampling efficiency and safety such that the robots can operate directly in the real world instead of the simulation. 

The data in robotics live in high-dimensional and non-Euclidean spaces. Accordingly, the geometric and topological structures provide a unique inductive bias for robot learning  (e.g., configuration spaces; stiffness, manipulability ellipsoids and control gain matrices on the symmetric positive definite manifold; rotation matrices, robot poses on Lie groups; angular velocities, robot twists on Lie algebras). Moreover, using the tools of spectral geometry, we can construct geometry and topology-aware multi-scale functional bases. This results in a further increase in computational efficiency due to the symmetry of the space being exploited.

Previously, I was a Research Assistant at ROMER (Center for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence) and worked on swarm robotics and robot environment perception and interaction.  I got my M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from the Mechanical Engineering Department at METU.

Curriculum Vitae


Journal Articles:

Bilaloglu, C., Low, T., and Calinon, S.  Tactile Ergodic Control Using Diffusion and Geometric Algebra. (Submitted to the special issue for IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) on Tactile Robotics)

Bilaloglu, C., Low, T., and Calinon, S. (2023) Whole-Body Ergodic Exploration with a Manipulator using Diffusion. Under Review by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)

Amjadia A. S., Bilaloglu C., Turgut A. E., Na S., Sahin E.,  Krajnik T., and Arvin F. (2023) Reinforcement Learning-based Aggregation for Robot Swarms Adaptive Behavior

Conference Papers:

Bilaloglu C., Sahin M., Arvin F., Sahin E., Turgut A. E. A Novel Time-of-Flight Range and Bearing Sensor System for Micro Air Vehicle Swarms Proc. Intl. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence, 248–25

Workshop Papers

Löw, T., Bilaloglu, C., Calinon, S. (2023). Efficient Representation for Learning Object-Centric Articulation Models Using Geometric Algebra. Workshop on effective Representations, Abstractions, and Priors for Robot Learning (RAP4Robots) at IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

M.Sc. Thesis:

Bilaloglu, C. Development of an Extensible Heterogeneous Swarm Robot Platform (2022)