
CellarView Support


Please enable Share iPhone/iPad Analytics on your devices. Go to Settings > Privacy, scroll down and tap Analytics. Then tap “Share iPhone Analytics” and then “Share With App Developers”. This setting will cause crash reports to be automatically forwarded to the developers of the apps installed on your device.

Crash reports contain very detailed information about what the software had recently done and what it was doing internally at the exact point when the crash occurred. You remain totally anonymous; it is impossible to identify you and none of your data is included or is accessible. The crash reports are crucial; without them it is virtually impossible to diagnose and fix the problem causing the app to crash.

We look for new CellarView crash reports multiple times each week and follow-up on every single report received. Updates are released frequently and every effort is made to correct serious problems (e.g., crashes) as soon as possible.

Contact Us

CellarView itself includes a way for you to Report Problems (on the More screen under the Information & Support section). You can use Report Problems to send an email describing the problem you're having or to suggest a feature you’d like to see in a future release. This is the preferred method for reporting problems since CellarView will automatically attach a copy of its log file to the email which can often speed problem resolution.

Alternatively, you can send an email with your question or issue to